Mirror of Erised

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Summary: After stumbling on a broken piece from the mirror of erised, Draco is completely obsessed with what he sees. Not to mention, he realizes what potential it has. With this small mirror, Draco can figure out everyone's secret desire. However, will he have it in him to ask what the one person he truly cares about sees?

Word Count: 4,305

"Draco, darling, you seem to be even more conceited than me and that's saying something." Pansy tilted her head, her shoulder-length black hair moving with it. "If you spend one more second looking in your precious mirror, I think I'll smash it."

The blond flushed slightly. He wouldn't be ashamed if he was actually just looking at himself; honestly, who could blame him for that? However, during the reconstruction of Hogwarts Draco had found a piece of a broken mirror. Strangely enough, when he looked into it it wasn't his own reflection staring back at him; no, it was sparkling green eyes and messy raven hair.

He couldn't figure out what it meant, just that he found himself fascinated by it. Sometimes the mirror just showed Potter's face. Other times it was him playing Quidditch or taking notes. At first, he thought he was seeing what Potter was actually doing. However, right now it showed him brushing his teeth and the savior was clearly sitting at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast.

The Slytherin suddenly yelped as the mirror was taken from his hands. He had fixed it up to make it look like a regular hand mirror to fool his friends. As Blaise stared it in now though, there was no way he could deny what he had really been looking at. He just hoped his friends wouldn't tease him too much.

However, Blaise didn't seem to want to tease him; in fact, he looked angry. "You've been staring at Neville for weeks on end!" He admonished in a harsh whisper. "What the hell, man. You know I, well, you know-" His friend blushed slightly.

"You've been hopelessly pining after him for years?" Draco supplied. "Yes, I know, but when I look in the mirror I don't see Longbottom. Trust me, if I had I would have thrown the thing away."


Pansy merely rolled her eyes. "You know what this means, right? You have a piece of the Mirror of Erised." She waited for their reactions but when she was only met with confusion, she sighed. "I can't believe I have to put up with you two; the Mirror of Erised shows your heart's desire."

The girl grabbed the mirror from Blaise's hand, nodding to herself. "Yup, Mirror of Erised," She confirmed.

"And I'm guessing you see the only other person in this school who knows what the heck that is," Blaise smirked.

The comment caused the girl's skin to flush slightly. However, she merely frowned. "I do not have a crush on Granger," She insisted. However, her eyes betrayed her as they went to find the Gryffindor.

Blaise's smirk grew. "Who said anything about Granger?"

"Shut up!"

Draco chuckled slightly before thinking about the mirror more. "We can find out everyone's deepest desire. It'll be easy to trick people into telling us what they see, especially since most people haven't heard of this mirror." Yes, this mirror was power.


When looking in the mirror, the majority of people seemed to see a person they had a romantic interest in. However, some saw themselves as successful or perhaps a loved one they had lost in the war. There had also been a meek first year who, surprisingly, had seen only a normal mirror. Even Draco wasn't that conceited. Perhaps he had seen a different version of himself though.

The blond hadn't told anyone who he saw, though the fact Pansy and Blaise hadn't bothered to ask meant they already knew. He didn't mind if it meant he wouldn't have to admit to it out loud. His silence was an agreement they all understood.

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