Chapter 19: North

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3rd Person POV



American soldiers were at it again, holding off a horde of charging Mongols. Catapults launched flaming boulders that crashed into the sand killing unlucky American soldiers or damaging tanks, the boulders were followed by ballista's that skewered soldiers into an agonizing death. The Americans retaliated with Stuka strikes and artillery rounds but the Mongols struck back with dragon strikes that severely damaged the artillery pieces and downed several Stukas.

William and the guys fired a few shots and ran and did this repeatedly, since the Mongols charged with fury that matched a drunken father. The Mongols charged with such fury that most of the Americans were caught off guard and were cut down their bodies disappearing in the horde of Mongols.

"Aseir watch out!" William shouted gunning down the Mongolian soldier charging an unsuspecting Aseir, "Thanks" Aseir said with panicked breath. Dalton took steps back while handholding an M1919, that had an equip able handle on the almost red-hot barrel, "Come on you fuckers!" you shouted in rage, his finger not letting loose of the trigger, the bullets tore through the charging Mongols. Klaus who stood beside Dalton, glanced at the barrel of Daltons gun and saw the barrel was now melting about to render the gun useless.

"Dalton!" Klaus shouted with thick German, Dalton paused his fury and looked at the barrel, but it was too late the barrel was destroyed. Cussing to himself Dalton threw the gun into the sand and drew his pistol.

From the Mongols a volley of arrows filled the sky, their iron tips reflecting the sun. The Americans sprinted away from the arrows, William and his team were lucky and managed to get out of range but handfuls of them were unlucky. The Mongols were now getting way to close to the American line and because of this artillery rained down on the Mongols nearly killing American soldiers close by and Dauntless's screamed in and bombed the hell out of the Mongols before proceeding to defend themselves from dragons.

Mongol generals leading the massive horde saw the massacre of their men and blew horns signaling a full retreat, the Mongols halted their charge and turned back and ran. William stopped running when he noticed the Mongols were in full retreat and fired whatever rounds he still had left into the Mongols.

The remaining Americans stopped their flee and took deep breathes, many broke down crying collapsing to the sand and others just stared in shock. By instinct, the surviving Americans started collecting their dead while disrespecting the Mongols who killed their friends, William carried a dead soldier on his back and on his way to a truck carrying dead bodies which William did not agree with, how could they just dump their own in a truck like their nothing but trash, but it didn't matter they had to. On his way, William was walking past a dead Mongolian soldier and with a wave of anger, kicked the dead body over and over then kicked their head and William heard their skull crack. Stopping there the man spat on the body and continued on his way.

For two hours they collected their dead, they had to dig through mounds of dead Mongols just to check if they missed someone. In total they collected 2,000 dead Americans meaning they had to transport an entire convoy of dead bodies and tell 2,000 families that their sons were dead. Before they left the Americans did a one more 'up yours' and piled the dead Mongols in dozens of mounds and doused them in fuel finally lighting them on fire, the smell of flesh filled the Americans noses but it did not bother them in fact they liked it seeing it as a revenge for killing their own.

After that they boarded trucks and left the battlefield, only a few minutes in they were nearing the Persian capital city of Persepolis. The terrifying truth was that the Mongols were closing in on Persepolis and the advanced American soldiers were struggling to hold back the Mongolians because of this, miles and miles of trenches were dug about a mile from the walls of Persepolis, wooden walls and floors, machine gun emplacements, artillery nests, barbed wire, and tank placements. However, it wasn't just American technology it was also Persians who helped the Americans, they had their own catapults and ballista's and in the sandy dune-built booby traps, like a trapdoor that opened to spikes pointing up and many more types of traps.

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