Chapter 10: Disobey Orders

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3rd Person POV

Across the Atlantic, in the state of Kansas in the farmlands a farmhouse door opened and out stepped Abigail Montana readying to start the day by picking eggs from the chicken coop. Grabbing a basket for the eggs she walked behind the house where the barn with cows and horses, wooden fenced area for the animals, the chicken coop, and a shed full of tools.

Opening the small door to the coop, she crouched down and entered. "Morning chickens" she greeted the animals happily, while they went outside to wall around, she looked at each nest and picked the eggs from them placing them inside the basket. Quickly counting the eggs, she walked out of the coop and made sure to feed the chickens before moving onto milking the cows.

Placing the basket aside she entered the barn and was greeted by the cows and horses minding their business, grabbing a bucket she started milking one cow then the next and the next and so on for an hour. From the houses driveway she heard the honking of the milk truck coming to collect the milk she had just milked from the cows, walking the buckets to the front she greeted the truck driver who poured the milk inside the trucks tank and gave Abigail her payment before leaving.

Traveling back to the barn she started feeding the cows and horses with bales of hay, reaching the final pen she smiled brightly at her favorite horse who she named 'Noir' because of her black and white fur who was laying down. Opening the pen, she laid beside the horses head and petted the animals head, her smile soon faded as she laid beside the horse.

"William wrote me the first letter, I'm worried for my boy Noir" she spoke to the animal, "I miss my son and husband".

Abigail's husband Michael Montana died during World War 1 fighting the Germans in Belleau Wood where he charged into a German trench and wiped out the entire trench earning him a medal of honor. But when the soldier came back home to his wife, he was never the same he suffered from shell shock and was deathly quiet.

The only time and last time they shared a moment was when they had sexual intercourse placing their future son inside here, then the next week he couldn't take it anymore and put a bullet through his head. Her husbands death shattered her heart and caused depression for months she was alone but then William was born which sparked her happiness again.

But now her son is in the Mediterranean under threat of Mongolians, she was once again alone, and she hated being lonely. To keep her loneliness at bay she talked to the animals like a crazy woman, but she didn't see anything wrong with it.

Sighing deeply, she looked at her horse, "Maybe its time Noir to find myself a man".

Meanwhile at Cairo Naval Base

"What do they mean, FDR is going to do anything!?" William said bewildered by the news, "FDR does not want Americans boys to die in a war that isn't their own" sergeant Hellen said, "That's not right, 43 our men died last night, and we were going to do anything" Jay spoke shaking his head.

"I understand you boys you are upset I am too, but we have our orders from the president himself to stand down so we will listen to him" sergeant Hellen said leaving the barracks they were placed in.

"This is ridiculous, I knew some of those people" Dalton said placing his face in his hands while Aseir patted his friends back. "Someone should just disobey orders and attack the Mongolians" Jay said.

Unbeknownst to them inside a hangar on the airfield that was untouched by the dragon attack, two squadrons sat in the hangar while the pilots plotted an unauthorized attack on the Mongolians, one squadron consisted of the new P-40 Warhawks named War dogs, and the other squadron consisted of BF-109 E-1s named Stripes. in the hangar the pilots of the squadrons were plotting an unauthorized attack on the Mongolians.

"Based on intel there is a Mongolian military camp here" the lead pilot of War dogs and the leader of the entire attack named Bryson said pointing to the map with a stick. "So, we fly in, do some strafes and bombing and come back right?" the lead pilot of Stripes named Danny asked Bryson who nodded. "Yep, so let's make it quick, load 50 pounders and add external fuel tanks double time lets go"

With that the pilots ran to arm and suit up their planes in a quick manner, using their strength they carried the 50 pounders to the planes while someone helped them load the bombs on board. Using carts, they wheeled over the external fuel tanks and placed the tanks on and fueled the tanks. Now that they were all ready, they opened the hangar doors letting in the bright sunlight in, they checked their flight gears and threw on their flight caps.

Jumping inside the planes, they turned on their engines, the engines whirred while the propeller swung around lazily then started spinning fast while the engine roared to life. Bryson took the lead and rolled the plane out of the hangar while the rest followed behind, rolling down the tarmac Bryson looked at the ground crews and saw the confusion on their faces as he passed by them.

"War dog 1 you do not have authorization to take off what are you doing?" the radio operator in the air traffic control tower said to the man through his comms, "Relax were just taking a practice flight" Bryson said jokingly. As the planes reached the runway they got into position and activated the brakes, pushing their throttle to full the engines whirred louder. Each pilots hand rested on the brake ready to release and go full speed down the runway, "War dog 1 this is your last warning, abort takeoff NOW" the radio operator demanded the pilot. "If you guys won't do anything about the attack last night then we will" Bryson said furious, in rage he swung his canopy open and stuck his arm out, spinning his arm he pointed forward signaling the pilots to launch.

Bryson was the first to release his brake and zoom forward, with the others following close behind. Bryson pulled back on his stick and lifted into the air with the others. The planes formed up in a long right echelon and flew around the base getting a great view of the base and city. "No turning back boys, off to the island named Kypros of as we knew it as Cyprus, based on a recon plane that flew over the island they saw settlement with flags that of the Mongolian Empire" Bryson informed his men.

As the time went on and on Bryson looked down and saw the island below them, using a map he looked to where the camp would be and lo and behold the settlement. "Settlements right below us gentlemen" Bryson told, "What are we waiting for, let's do some organizing men" Danny said as he rolled his BF-109 E-1 down to a dive. "It's a playground boys have some fun" Bryson told his pilots and they to rolled down into a dive.

On the ground the Mongolians going about their day heard the engines of the planes and looked up to see the planes diving towards them, releasing the 50 pounders the BF-109s and P-40s pulled up and began circling. The bombs slammed into the ground causing tons of damage and killing many Mongolians, they circled around and started strafing the ground tearing Mongolians apart left and right.

"Take that you, fucking monkeys!" one of the pilots yelled in rage, circling around the settlement again the planes strafed again and again causing mass damage and deaths. In one moment, the planes managed to ignite barrels and barrels of gunpowder causing a huge explosion.

After their quick and daring raid, they began to fly back when their fuel was running low, "You know were going to be arrested right?" Danny asked the man who chuckled, "I'm well aware of that Danny and I don't care we did a good thing, remember that".

Eventually the planes touched down and as expected MPs were waiting for them at their hangar, once the planes were parked and they exited the aircraft. The MPs grabbed a hold of them and not once did the pilots resist instead, they stood tall and proud, forced inside a truck the men were taken away to the jail.

Watching the scene unfold was William and the guys, "Huh someone did disobey orders" Jay said surprised.

3 Days Later

Word of the attack had arrived to the Mongolian emperor who was understandable upset, "These people need to be destroyed!" Chaghatai vented his frustration to his father, "I hear you my boy as I hear everyone my son, I do to fear that these people will get in the way of our world conquest" Genghis said leaning back in his throne.

"Father?" Genghis looked to his son

"What are we going to do?"

Genghis Khan looked at his son then to the nothingness, "I'm declaring war on the Persian Empire, right now".

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