Chapter 5: Tense Landing

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William's POV

Me and the guys gazed at the landmass that if I'm correct would've led into Africa passed by as the fleet sailed through the Strait of Gibraltar, "Wow maybe this world isn't as different as we thought" Klaus said gazing at the landmass. "I agree with the German" Dalton said chuckling, Klaus smacked him upside the head causing us to chuckle in response.

"Based on what I've heard the fleet is going to sail to Egypt which we should be there by tomorrow and if we see nothing then we'll just sail back because we don't have enough fuel to explore the entire Mediterranean" Hernandez said shrugging, "Well let's just hope there's a civilization out there" Aseir said with hope.

We all stood there watching as the sea went by, "Hey Dalton what'd you enlist?" Hernandez asked curiously.

Dalton raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Well the old man wanted to me join because he was in the Great War, so he wanted me to join too which I didn't want" Dalton said, "What did you want to be then?" Aseir asked to which Dalton leaned in and we followed his lead to listen, "An artist" he said with a smile, and we chuckled patting him on the back.

"Alrighty Hernandez why'd you join?" Dalton asked leaning on railing, "Well to put it simply my family were fruit farmers and they wanted me to be one too, but I said no and joined much to their dismay" Hernandez said shaking his head, nudging Klaus's arm and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I joined to be the first soldier in my family's history, Aseir?" Klaus said blandly.

"I am a refugee so when I arrived in America, I needed a job and a sense of purpose" Aseir said proudly, "Hey Andrew what of you?" Aseir asked.

"Well since I grew up with no parents, I was a troublemaker, so I got arrested for robbing a store and it was either jail or the army so..." Andrew said pointing to the sea, the boat, then himself. "Goddamn Andrew hope you don't kill us in our sleep" Dalton said, and Andrew gave him an annoyed look. "Jay?" Andrew asked.

"I joined to show the white bitches that a black man can fight in a war because fuck the 1925 U.S. Army War College Study" Jay said sternly which Aseir who was standing next to Jay patted his back with a warm smile. "William?" Dalton asked now all eyes were on me.

"Well, I always loved adventure so when I heard of the expedition I wanted to go across the Atlantic and find some adventure" I said and they nodded their heads, "Well you got the adventure William" Hernandez said happily.

Later that night in that mess hall when everyone was eating their dinner, we all sat together and ate our food talking about life and cracking jokes. Looking up from my bowl I smiled at my team proud of the guys I got with me and happy for the adventure that I was blessed with to be apart of. Feeling a hand on my shoulder I looked to see Andrew giving me a questionable look, "You alright William?" he asked, and I nodded in an assuring way.

After dinner everyone was ordered to their bunks for the night, removing my boots I crashed down on my bunk as did my friends with their bunks. "Fucking hell, I can't wait for tomorrow when we near Egypt" Hernandez said in the middle of the dark room, "I know I'm praying people are there" Andrew too said then in the middle of no where someone ripped ass causing a frenzy of immature laughing and cuss words. "Who shit their pants dude, holy shit" Aseir said disgusted.

3rd Person POV

The following morning, inside the bridge of the USS Pennsylvania sailors who were on night shift were shocked to see the rising sun reveal a land mass to their starboard side using binoculars one of them saw the silhouette of two tall pyramids on the horizon. When the admiral finally arrived on the bridge he was bombarded with news of the landmass and the pyramids, when the mention of pyramids entered his mind, his heart sunk.

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