Chapter 11: Too Far?

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UA Highschool, next day

Izuku sat in his seat right on time while relaxing and just enjoying the morning. He was thinking on what would happen today and got into the mood of rolling with the punches. He could feel Izumi and her friend group all looking at him with what he guessed were sad or regretful gazes. Though he honestly couldn't care less, he did still think about what they had said yesterday.

'I can't believe that they'd try and marry me to 2 girls, the very same that tormented me no less. Shoka I can believe since I said I had a crush on her, but Katsumi was probably either crushing on me before, or just tricking herself into loving me out of guilt. Either way, they won't get to me.' Izuku thought to himself slightly angry at how his 'parents' had tried to force him to marry people he specifically said he hated.

'Izuku... how can I make you fall in love with me again?' Shoka thought to herself desperately.

'Izuku, I love you, and I always will! I'll show you I love you today, and then you, me, and Shoka will be together!' Katsumi thought determined.

'Brother, who is Eri? I won't let her replace me!' Izumi thought to herself determined to make her big brother see her as his sister again.

'Brother, I'll make you marry my sister, wether you like it or not.' Shoto and Katsuki thought while thinking about how to make him do so.

Izuku felt Danger Sense spiked and could tell it was coming from Katsuki and Shoto, though he payed it no mind. Nobody was able to step up to him yet unless multiple top heroes teamed up. 

He was certain he could fight all of his tormentors and All Might, Inko and Endeavor and come out victorious, since he had counters to all of their quirks along with natural resistances towards all of them. He was certain that with his training and intellect, he'd be more than capable of fighting the top heroes of the earth and still winning.

The only problem though is the level of training and experience that differs from him and them. Izuku has been fighting criminals since he was 10 years old, he has a naturally high reaction time and physical fitness, he has keen intellect and knowledge, and he can remain calm and collected under the hardest situations. He was trained by 4 former pro heroes, and was professionally trained in both hand to hand and swordsmanship based combat by over 5 teachers. He had skill, experience, talent, and power, and he used them in the right way.

By looking at Izumi's fighting spirit, he could tell that her quirk wasn't fully trained, and her body hasn't fully built up a resistance to her quirk yet.

Katsuki had to work on both his skill and versatility with using his quirk, since he could tell from his spirit that he lacked control and ways of using his quirk.

Shoto needed more creativity in his combat style, and his fire side was completely neglected. Though Izuku guessed that it was caused by having memories of burning him and being disgusted with that side, which is incredibly unhealthy.

From what he could gather on Katsumi, her skill and strength with her quirk surpassed her brother, and all she needed was to fully control and deal with her quirk's drawbacks and power.

Shoka had more control over her ice than her brother did, but she too neglected her fire side. Which, again, is unhealthy. She also needed more work with her body's fitness, since she was athletic, just not enough as she could be.

Izuku knew that All Might was weaker the second he saw him in that skinny form, and from his spirit, he could probably knock him out after landing a well timed punch to his jaw. He out-sped him easily with his teleportation quirk and naturally fast body, and all he'd need to do is get past his guard to deliver the winning blow.

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