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Day had finally arrived as we were all sat on the ground. Both me and Wujin were sat next to a groaning Daesu as he had a medium sized wound on his leg.

"Stay still." I suggested as we both tried our best to comfort the distraught boy.

We were watching as Onjo started walking back towards the construction site as Namra got up from her position as also walked over.

"I'll go with her." She announced.

"I'll go, too." Suhyeok established.

"I'm also going." Daesu stated whilst trying to get up but immediately stopped as he let out a groan in pain.

"No, you hurt your leg. Wujin, Jihye, keep and eye on Daesu." Suhyeok suggested as we both nodded before turning back to the injured boy.

The trio were quick to come back as we all began to make our way across the forest. Wujin and Suhyeok had Daesu's arms wrapped around their shoulders whilst I was walking in front with Namra, checking if there was anything that the three might trip over.

"Careful. Slowly." Hari suggested as she was at the front, leading us.

"The soldiers saw that we were at the school. They left us there without helping us, and then they bombed it. Maybe they actually want us to die." Namra pointed out as both me and Onjo were next to her.

"I don't believe that." Onjo stated.

"I think it's all because of me." Namra announced. "Because we were with zombies, they must think we're neither a zombie nor human, like me. Maybe that's what they thought."

"Don't talk like that." Onjo demanded as I continued to walk in silence.

"Is it really okay for me to stay with you guys like this?" Namra questioned.

"You're still our friend and our class president. We couldn't have made it this far without you." Onjo established.

"Still..." Namra tried to reason.

"You haven't turned yet, and you never will." I finally spoke up as Namra faced me as I smiled at her lightly.

"I really wanna do that again in the future." Namra explained as we continued to follow the seniors lead. "That was my first time sitting around a fire with friends. We'll be able to do that again, right?"

"Let's do it again tonight." Onjo suggested as we both smiled lightly.

"What the hell?" Mijin cursed, grabbing the attention of everyone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Shit. I think we're lost." Mijin explained as we looked around the forst.

"There's no trail?" Hyoryeong questioned.

"There hasn't been a trail for a while. I think we've been going in a fucking circle." Mijin exclaimed.

"Why did you come this way if there was no trail? If we go down the wrong way, it will be Hyosan." Daesu groaned as I watched Wujin slowly let go of the other boy.

"Hari. Look. There's something there." Wujin spoke as he immediately pointed at the small yellow ribbon that was tied to a tree branch.

We all quickly began walking down the path to the ribbon as Hari quickly grabbed onto it.

"Someone must have left it here." Hari announced as we all looked at it.

"Who did something so nice, huh?" Mijin joked but immediately stopped as Hari turned to look at her.

"There's another one." Hari exclaimed after a few moments of silence before continuing to walk down the hill as we all quickly followed, trying to be careful not to trip.

I was walking with Onjo next to me when suddenly she stopped. I turned to look at her as she was just staring at something to the side before beginning to walk over to it. I turned to look at the three boys behind with a confused face but they only shrugged their shoulders, signalling that they didn't know what she was doing before I turned back to look at the girl.

She had finally arrived in what she was looking at and was now being down to grab it. She managed to pick it up and looked like she was reading something before bending back down. This time her cries could be heard as we all looked at her sympathetically.

We waited a little while until she joined back with us, tear stains still evident on her face as I patted her back, somewhat hoping to bring comfort to the girl.

We were now walking down the streets that were still covered in smoke from the explosions as the sight of dead animals came into view.

"Didn't he say to go to Yangdong?" Daesu asked.

"You don't think there are zombies here, too, do you?" Hyoryeong questioned.

"No way. Maybe they evacuated, because it's next to Hyosan." Suhyeok suggested.

"Hey, I'm getting a bad feeling about this. Where is everyone?" Mijin pointed out as we continued to walk forwards.

"We're okay here." Hari stated as the streets continued to grow eerie.

"Why? How do you know that?" Mijin continued to infer that this place was dangerous.

"There are no broken windows, or blood on the streets. It wouldn't be this clean if there was a zombie rampage." Hari explained when suddenly, Namra stopped in her place.

"What?" Onjo questioned.

"Hold on." Namra stated as she continued to look in front before sniffing the air and then turning to behind us.

"Namra, what is it?" Onjo continued to ask as we all looked at the class president in worry.

"What's up? You hear something?" Suhyeok asked as he let go of Daesu and walked over to Namra.

"Zombies." Namra's conclusion caused me to gasp as I turned to see Wujin struggling to keep Daesu upright.

"Where, though?" Onjo questioned.

"Everywhere." Namra stated as the atmosphere continued to grow more eerie.

"A lot... A lot of them?" Hyoryeong interrogated as we all began to look around.

"One, two, three... four, five, six... seven, eight... nine, ten eleven... Run!"


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