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"This isn't going to work." The mysterious girl spoke as she lifted the wooden cover off the trolley, "We should flip it over completely, so that we can hide underneath."

"Uh... I think we should stand it up." Wujin stated.

"Yeah, zombies sure can't climb that?" The girl remarked sarcastically. "Don't be stupid. Okay? Let's redo them."

"It's too short if we close the lids. Unless you want us crawling." Joonyeong explained as he lifted the lid up.

"Hey." The girl exclaimed as she slammed the lid shut. "Say it to my face!"

"If you don't like it, make your own." Joonyeong mumbled as he began to start tying the lid back on securely.

All of a sudden, the girl walked up to Joonyeong and pushed him in the head, sending him forwards slightly.

"Oh shit. Are you crazy? What's wrong with you?" Wujin asked as he walked up and grabbed a hold of Joonyeong's shoulder. "Sis, stop her."

"Come on. Say that again." The girl demanded as she began to stalk towards Joonyeong.

"Do everyone a favour and stay out of our way." Joonyeong spoke as he was immediately pushed back again. "Shithead!"

"'Shithead'? Shithead. What the fuck?" The girl exclaimed as she went in for a kick but was immediately stopped as Suhyeok stood between the two.

"Stop it." He demanded as the two began to stare each other down. "Joonyeong, you too."

"Who the hell is she to tell us we have to redo it?" Joonyeong stated, anger and annoyance laced in his voice as the rest of us just continued to watch the situation in silence.

"'Who is she?' Your fucking nightmare." The girl declared.

"You're coming with us, right?" Suhyeok asked as he turned to the girl.

"You're the ones coming with me." The girl stated.

"You won't just leave them here, right?" Suhyeok asked whilst turning to face Joonyeong.

"I wish, but no." Joonyeong established.

"We're going together, anyway. Why fight now, huh?" Suhyeok questioned as he kept looking between the two.

"Just do as I say, unless you wanna die out there. Which you might." The girl spoke, venom spewing out of her mouth as she did so.

"We're tryna make it that high, so we don't die out there." Joonyeong argued.

"Enough already." Suhyeok exclaimed, everyone just remained silent as we kept to ourselves. "How many people have died on our way here? We can't lose anyone else. We shouldn't waste energy fighting among ourselves."

"I'm not fighting to die. I'm fighting because I wanna live." Joonyeong explained.

"Then do as I fucking say, asshead." The girl demanded.

"Unless we split up. Problem solved." Joonyeong concluded as he immediately walked away.

"Get back here. You hear me? Get back here!" The girl shouted as Suhyeok had to hold her back. "Let go of me, asshole. You think I'm doing this, because I wanna die?"

A sudden clanging noise caused us all to jump in surprise, immediately turning to see the cause of it.

"We'll vote on it." Namra established as the trolley was still rocking about slightly from the unexpected push.

"You are?" The angered girl questioned.

"Class prez." Namra answered as we all soon piled up next to each other, I was sat on one of the trolleys with Wujin next to me as we all looked out in front, facing the class president as she began to recite the options.

"One. Split up." Immediately after announcing the first option, I looked around yet no one seemed to raise their hands. "Two. Stay together." I immediately raised my hand as everyone quickly followed. "Okay, we voted to stay together, then.

"Is it smart to vote on life and death matters and just follow the majority? What if we collectively decide to do the wrong thing?" Daesu questioned as I turned to see him looking down at his hands.

"You know, there's such a thing as collective intelligence." Hyoryeong pointed out.

"There are too many unintelligent people here. You can't make intelligence with a bunch of idiots." Once Daesu had finished speaking I glared at him.

"Excuse me?" I asked annoyed but was only ignored as the conversation continued.

"So then what do you suggest?" Hyoryeong asked as she turned to the boy. "Do we vote about voting, huh?"

"Fuck! How the hell did you kids survive up to now?" The girl asked as we all turned to look at her.

"Sorry, but can you mind your own business? You stated the fight, now we're voting." Daesu spoke, side eyeing the girl as he did so.

"Give me an arrow, so I can stab him." The girl requested as she turned to face Wujin's sister.

"Anyway, let's move on now." Namra quickly interrupted as we all instantly turned back to face her. "One. We make the outside higher." I rose my hand as so did a few others. "Six votes. Two. We fold the lids and make a box." I could feel Wujin raise his hand next to me as I turned to look at him confused. "Four votes."

"What the hell? I thought you were with us?" Daesu questioned as he turned to face Wujin.

"I changed my mind." Wujin answered.

"Option one received the majority vote, so we make the walls high." Namra concluded with her arms crossed in front of her.

"Okay. Let's do it." Joonyeong announced as we all quickly rose from our seats.

"Okay, but don't resent me when the zombies climb over and kill us all." The girl established as we all began to get to work.

"Don't worry, I'll take the front and any blame. You hold back." Joonyeong announced as he joined the rest of us as we continued doing our original jobs.

Once we had pretty much finished tying the barricade together we had also began to search for protective equipment.

"Hey. Chocolate bar."


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