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Our screams must have been heard from the corridor as zombies began to appear in front of us causing everyone to stop.

Mine and Wujin's hands were finally separated as I ran to the front, as it seemed Suhyeok did the same, before we both began to knock down as many zombies as we could but it seemed like we couldn't stop all of them in time as one of them had began to approach the group behind.

I had turned to witness Nayeon on the floor backing away as the others tried to help her get up from her position but the zombie was soon tackled to the ground by Suhyeok as I continued to try to keep the zombies off of the rest of the group from the front but was soon tackled be one of them.

My struggles must have been heard as the zombie was pushed off with what seemed to be a window before I was pulled up from the floor. I immediately recognised the hand to belong to Wujin as I sent him a quick smile before we both progressed back to the group.

Wujin immediately pushed me to where the girls were standing before continuing to help the other guys fight off the hoard.

All of a sudden Daesu pulled off one of the doors before shouting, "Hey! Get out of the way!" He began to charge at the guys as they all pushed the zombies in one go before Daesu managed to position the door as a barricade as all the guys were now pushing on it.

"Get over here!" The guys called out to us as we all began to run towards them eventually reaching the barricade as we all began to push as everyone shouted out encouraging words to keep us going.

Eventually we had managed to push them towards the stairs as the guys continued to push them down the stairs.

"Go upstairs!" Wujin shouted at us, causing Jiwoo to grab my arm and drag me up the stairs with the rest of the girls.

"Don't worry they'll be fine." Jiwoo told me, most likely after noticing the worry on my face, "especially Wujin."

Everything Jiwoo had said turned out to be true as soon enough the guys were following right behind us.

We had managed to get a floor higher and began running down a corridor but immediately stopped as we saw the hoard of zombies in the way.

"We have to go upstairs!" Jimin shouted, grabbing onto Namra's arm before we all turned around and ran for the stairs again, the zombies soon following us as we quickly ran up the stairs.

After reaching another floor higher our goal was to reach the science lab. Some of the guys had taken the lead pushing the zombies with their windows as we all tried to help push but before we continue to push any further Isak shouted.

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