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- Lexi

Namra suddenly asked as we turned to her, surprised.

"What?" Suhyeok questioned.

"They're saying to take cover." Namra explained as she turned to face all of us.

"Who is?" I asked as we all looked at the girl, worried for our safety.

"We need to take cover. There will be explosions." Namra exclaimed.

"What do you mean explosions?" Hyoryeong questioned with wide eyes.

"Are you sure about that?" Suhyeok interrogated as we continued to look at the girl in shock.

"Hyosan Intersection, Future College... and also our school will be blown up." Namra gasped.

"Hey, are those fucking soldiers gonna shoot missiles at us?" Wujin cursed as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"When is it gonna happen?" Daesu asked as we looked at the expectantly.

"I can't really tell. They're just saying to evacuate right now." Namra explained.

"Shit. Where are they expecting us to go, huh?" Mijin spoke, obviously growing annoyed.

"When are they gonna bomb this whole place, huh?" Daesu continued to interrogate the girl as we all sat still, unsure on what to do.

"Won't we all die if we stay here?" Hyoryeong pointed out.

"Do they say where to flee to?" Onjo asked.

"They say that we should hide underground." Namra concluded as we all sighed.

"What if they drop a nuclear bomb?" Hyoryeong questioned.

"Korea doesn't have nukes. What are you saying?" Daesu stated as the two began to squabble. During this I could feel Wujin squeeze my hand lightly as we were both looking around for any hope of escape.

"Where are we supposed to take cover? There's nowhere to hide." Wujin pointed out as everyone began to look around the building.

"Cheongsan!" The sudden scream caused us all to freeze.

"What?" Hyoryeong questioned, confused.

"It's Gwinam." Cheongsan concluded as he stood up.

"That asshole never dies." Daesu cursed as everyone began to grow more nervous.

"Maybe we heard wrong. It's quiet now." Hyoryeong tried to reason yet Cheongsan walked forward so he was now next to both me and Wujin. By this point, we had all stood up, waiting for the boy to appear.

The cover for the window was immediately ripped away as Gwinam had finally made his appearance. Wujin quickly pushed me behind him as we watched Cheongsan run forward.

The boy tried to throw a swing with his bat at Gwinam, but instantly failed as it led him to being launched into the wall.

Gwinam quickly climbed through the window and was now standing with his foot on Cheongsan. Groans came from the boy as Suhyeok quickly ran forward but was instantly knocked down, leading him to nearly fall off the side if it weren't for Mijin managing to grab a hold of him.

Cheongsan was immediately dragged up but was now practically hanging by his neck as Gwinam was holding him above the large drop.

Cheongsan had managed to throw a punch as Suhyeok was quickly pulled back onto the ledge but once he tried to throw another, he was quickly blocked by Gwinam.

Gwinam had managed to grab onto Cheongsans arm and twisted it before biting into it, causing loud screams to leave the boy.

Cheongsan was then thrown into the wall as Gwinam spat the boys flesh out of him mouth. Suddenly, Gwinam stopped what he was doing, his head began to flinch around as Cheongsan immediately used this chance and launched his body into Gwinam, sending the hambie flying to the floor.

Cheongsan slowly got up from his position as he turned to look at us before Onjo tried walking over.

"It's okay. It's not what you think. Do you hear me? Don't do it." Onjo demanded as whenever she tried to approach the boy, he would only back away. "You're going to be fine."

"Onjo. No one's dying. Not here. Not today." Cheongsan spoke as he had his other hand covering his wound.

"I just... Just don't say anything. Let's talk tomorrow, okay? Mmhm?" Onjo suggested as the rest of us just watched, sorrowfully, a few of us had began to cry as realisation hit us.

Cheongsan suddenly ripped off his nametag as he handed it to Onjo.

"You hold on to it for me. And I'll hold onto this." Cheongsan stated as he grabbed, what looked to be, Onjo's nametag for his pocket.

The two then shared a small kiss before Cheongsan began to walk towards the window. He suddenly stopped in his tracks before walked back and pulling Onjo into a tight hug. Tears began to leave my eyes as I watched the two share their last moments together before Cheongsan pushed Onjo towards us.

"Suhyeok, go to the first floor." Cheongsan suggested as Suhyeok nodded before climbing through the window into the building, despite Onjo's protests whilst Suhyeok had to hold the girl back.

Cheongsans shouts could be heard from inside as we waited until they slowly began to fade away, suggesting that he was leading them up to the top floor.

"Come one everyone. This is it." Mijin announced as we all began to climb through the window. Wujin went in before me and once he had managed to climb through he quickly held his hand out. I immediately grabbed a hold of it as I swiftly managed to climb to the other side.

We immediately began to run down to the first floor once everyone had climbed through as both me and Wujin had our hand connected as we all ran as fast as we could.

We had managed to make it past the construction site as we were now running through the forest. A sudden explosion caused me to cover my ears as we all looked back to see a large fire erupt from behind us.

Screams left us as large debri came launching in our direction. I felt Wujin drag me away as a large rock landed right next to us.

"Are you okay?" He had to shout to be heard over the large explosion but before I could answer a large gust of dust shot over us as we covered our ears from the sound.

After a little while, the dust had finally cleared over us as it was finally beginning to grow dark. We were now all standing still, facing the large fire that had now consumed our school. I could feel Wujin squeeze my hand as I quickly pulled him into a hug as we all continued to look out onto the destruction.


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