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"Push!" Suhyeok demanded as we continued to slowly move the barricade across the long hall.

Zombies had now began to start piling back onto the barricade as I could feel my feet begin to slip across the floor as grunts escaped my mouth.

We kept pushing until we had finally made it to the exit before untying it so it would now lead to the door.

Both Onjo and Suhyeok had let go of the barricade and were now slamming their bodies into the door as hard as they could.

"The door won't open!" Suhyeok exclaimed as the rest of us struggled against the groing hoard of zombies.

"What are you talking about?" Cheongsan questioned as the zombies had begun to try climbing over.

"The door won't open!" Onjo shouted as thumping noises from the door continued to occur. Grunts of exhaustion left everyone's mouths as I could begin to feel my body give up.

The zombies had began to reach down, trying to grab a hold of us as we continued to struggle fighting them off. The barricade was finally starting to give way as it slowly began to grow smaller due to the constant decrease in materials.

"Hurry up!" I shouted as I could see arms belonging to the zombies manage to weave their way through the gaps.

"It won't open. It's locked from the outside." Suhyeok exclaimed as he quickly joined us at the sides of the barricade.

A sudden light from behind caused me to look back and see that the door was finally open as an unknown man stood outside, looking in at us.

"Get out!" I heard Suhyeok shout as a sudden hand grabbed onto my arm and dragged me away. Once we had all exited the hall, I heard the door be slammed shut as Wujin quickly spun me around to face him with his hand still on my arm.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he began to examine my face.

"I'm good. You?" He quickly nodded before we both turned to see the mysterious man hugging Onjo.

"What took you so long, Dad?" Onjo asked as she looked at the guy.

"You kids, are you okay?" The guy asked as he turned to face us as we all nodded lightly before he turned to face Cheongsan before pulling him into a hug. "Okay. Are you all able to run?"

"Yeah." We all answered as I could feel Wujin grab onto my hand.

"Good. Okay. If you go straight through the tennis courts and pass the construction site, you'll hit the mountain." Onjo's Dad explained whilst pointing. "If you cross the mountain... and get to Yangdong-"

"Mr. Nam!" Cheongsan exclaimed as we all turned to where the boy was looking and saw a zombie running towards us. Mr. Nam then ran up and managed to tackle the zombie to the ground.

"Kids. Run!" He exclaimed as we all began to climb onto the small hill and quickly ran across it. "To the tennis courts!"

Me and Wujin were ahead as we both quickly pushed the gate open and ran in as everyone else piled in before we all headed to the other side.

"Hey, hey, hey. Wait." Daesu exclaimed as we all stood in place, watching as the flesh eating monsters crowded around the tennis courts.

"We can't go anywhere. What do we do?" I heard everyone question as we remained still. Everywhere we looked, now, was zombies.

Suddenly, the gate at the front broke, causing the large hoard begin to pile in. Wujin quickly pulled me and Hari back as the zombies began to pile onto the tennis nets.

A sudden flare that was set off by Onjos Dad caused all of the zombies to follow it as he quickly threw it to the other side of the courts.

"Let's go." Mr. Nam exclaimed as we all quickly ran to the exit gate. Daesu managed to open it as Wujin quickly pulled me through whilst keeping look out on any approaching zombies.

We looked back into the courts to see both Suhyeok and Cheongsan holding Onjo back as Mr. Nam ran to the opposite side whilst blowing a whistle, grabbing the attention of the zombies.

Onjos cries could be heard as Mr. Nam let off another flare and threw it to the other side of the court before beginning to run over whilst demanding that the remaining three should get out.

However, he was quickly stopped as a zombie managed to grab onto him as he began to fight off the bloody creature before being tackled by another one.

We watched in horror as Suhyeok and Cheongsan quickly ran over and dragged Onjos Dad away. They quickly all came back to the gate and both Cheongsan and Suhyeok manged to get through the gate when Mr. Nam suddenly closed the gate.

We all quickly ran back to the gate as Onjo looked at her Dad sorrowfully.

"Why are you?" Onjo asked as Mr. Nam began to lock the gate. "Dad?"

"Onjo, look at me. Go." Onjo's cries had began to attract zombies as I watched some come back from outside of the courts. "Run! Go. Go!"

Zombies had suddenly began to pile on top of Mr. Nam as he continued to demand that we leave. We had managed to pull Onjo back as we began to run to the construction site.

We had finally made it as zombies were quickly chasing after us.

"Stop!" Namra demanded as we all froze in place, wondering why she stopped us.

"Why, why, why?" Daesu questioned as we looked around nervously. Sudden growling caused us to look forward as more zombies began to appear from the different rooms as Namra quickly turned to us. "Go upstairs. Go!"

We all quickly obliged as Wujin quickly dragged me up the stairs as we could hear the growling grow louder as the zombies began to grow closer to us. Once we had arrived, we all began to run around, searching for some place to hide but no one could find anything.

"Where do we go?" I questioned as I continued to run around the room in hopes of finding somewhere.

"Go through this way!" Namra suddenly shouted as we all quickly ran over to her as Daesu quickly grabbed onto the bench and placed it in front of the window. Suhyeok quickly climbed through first as everyone was quick to follow.

I swiftly climbed through the window with the help of Suhyeok as I immediately landed on the large slab of concrete. Wujin quickly followed as we both sat down, trying to catch any bit of energy we could.


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