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"Quiet. Don't make any noise." Namra suggested as we all quickly covered our mouths, trying to limit the amount of noise we could make whilst breathing.

Onjo quickly grabbed onto one of the large metal bars but before she could do anything to harm herself, Cheongsan quickly grabbed onto it and threw it away. Cries began to leave the girl but her mouth was quickly covered by Hari as we all sat in silence, trying to process what we had just been through.

Onjos muffled sobs could still be heard but it seems that the zombies couldn't hear it as their was no sound of their approaching growls.

A few had let out light sighs at the sight of the crying girl. Wujin's hand was now intertwined with mine as we both sat with our backs against the wall.

Onjo had finally managed to calm down as we all sat in a line against the wall. I had my head leaning on Wujin's shoulder whilst his arm was wrapped around my waist.

"Damn it. Nothing is working." Wujin cursed as he shuffled around a little.

"We keep hitting dead ends." The girl who still haven't found out the name of spoke.

"Would you just be quiet?" Daesu suddenly requested. "It's your fault Joonyeong died."

"Daesu. Don't" Wujin demanded as we were both looking at the boy.

"If you hadn't bitched at him and just shut up, he would never have jumped out there." Daesu spoke, anger and sadness evident in his tone as he continued to stare at the girl.

"Okay. It is my fault. Happy?" The girl questioned as both me and Wujin sat in between the two's squabbles. "Are you happy, asshole?"

"You give it a rest too." Wujin exclaimed as he turned to the girl. "Daesu. What does it matter who's responsible for someone's death? What does living and dying even mean? I don't know. If we make it out, will it really be living? Hey, you know our friends died. And our parents too. What's the point."

"Do you wanna die?" The unknown girl questioned. "Then will you die? Try being a senior. Then you'll really wanna die."

"Yeah, big deal, you're a senior." Daesu spoke sarcastically, obviously still annoyed with the girl.

"You try being one. You'll see what it's like." The girl exclaimed. "You kids. You better survive till next year and see what it's like being seniors. Survive until next year and tell me which is harder, zombies or senior year."

The whole conversation caused me to chuckle a little as the unknown girl reminded me of my departed sister.

"Mijin. Let's go." Hari stated as she got up, I had finally learnt the name of the unknown girl.

"Where? Why?" Mijin questioned.

"Let's look for a good spot where we can jump off. We're the oldest." Hari explained as she looked around.

"Sure. Whatever. It's not like we get any respect." Mijin mubled but I was still able to hear it.

"I'll go this way. You go that way." Hari explained before walking off in her chosen direction.

Mijin quickly followed her orders as she immediately rose from her seat and began walking in the opposite direction until she was stopped by Suhyeok.

"I'll go." He spoke whilst looking down at the girl.

"Stay down, kid." The girl warned.

"It's okay." Suhyeok spoke as Mijin quickly patted him onhis arm, trying to push him down but it didn't work.

"You little... Get away." Mijin exclaimed as she threw her hand up before gently hitting Suhyeok on his arm as he quickly moved out of the way for her to pass by before sighing and sitting back down.

The sound of wind blowing filled the air as small chatter occurred whilst waiting for the tqo seniors to return.

Soon enough they had returned and we had began to plan our escape.

"I really think that that's the only way out." Wujin exclaimed.

"No. It drops into the basement on that side, and there are exposed steel bars. No way we can jump." Mijin explained.

"That side faces the school, so there's no point in trying it." Hari continued.

"The ground is filled with zombies, we'll die if we go down." Mijin stated.

"There's a door on the first floor that leads to the mountain. We have to go that way." Hari explained whilst looking over us.

"But it's full of zombies in there." I pointed out as everyone went silent.

"Can't we reach the roof if we use that and the windows?" Cheongsan questioned whilst pointing upwards. "If someone goes to the roof and screams, the zombies will follow them. Then I'm pretty sure it'll empty out in there, and the rest can escape."

"I think it can work." Suhyeok agreed.

"No." Onjo suddenly spoke against the idea.

"If that's the only way-" Cheongsan tried to speak but was quickly interrupted.

"I said no. Please stop sacrificing yourselves." Onjo requested whilst turning to look at us.

"Yeah, I agree with you. We said we'll survive together." Hyoryeong explained as I nodded my head lightly.

"Me too. I feel to same." Daesu stated.

"I'm with you guys too." Wujin established as I heard Mijin sigh.

"Then we should wait for now." Mijin suggested.

"And then what?" Hari questioned. "Do you have a plan."

"Maybe if it rains again, they won't be able to hear us." Mijin stated.

"Who knows when it's gonna rain?" Hari argued as the rest of us sat in silence.

"Don't worry. My knees are throbbing. It's gonna rain soon. You'll see." Mijin exclaimed as we all then proceeded to look up at the sky.

"It's way too clear." Daesu pointed out as we all then sighed.

"Hear that?"


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