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We all began stacking the tables on top of each other until I was suddenly pulled by my arm to stand in front of Coach Kang. I turned my head to see the who pulled me only to find out it was Isak.

"Jihye, look at Mr Kang's arm." This caused me to look down at the teachers arm, finally seeing the bite mark that laid upon it.

I let out a quiet gasp before looking back up at Onjo, nodding my head at her to confirm her suspicions.

"Mr Kang." She spoke quietly, however she still managed to grab the attention of the man as he looked in our direction, "your arm."

"What are you doing? Block the door." Coach Kang responded, his voice growing louder.

"You were bitten on your arm!" Onjo shouted, everyone immediately stopping in their tracks as they turned to look at us.

Coach Kang slowly brought his arm to in front of his face before speaking again, "This isn't a bite." He paused, "No. I wasn't bit." He began desperately trying to cover the mark with the hem of his sleeve, still denying the obvious as everyone in the room grew more anxious.

"Do you think we're blind? It's obviously a bite mark." I was now the one speaking up, slowly pushing Onjo behind my back in a protective manner.

"I said it isn't. Don't talk back to me." His answer caused me to scoff a little.

"We're you really bit?" Isak was now standing next to Onjo, lightly holding her arm, ready to pull her back if necessary.

"I wasn't!" Mr Kang shouted, "How many times do I have to tell you?" We could all feel him growing aggressive as he continued to try and cover the mark.

"Then why are you hiding it? Just show us!" Isak had finally shouted at him, walking towards him slightly whilst Onjo had to grab her arm to stop her.

"Can you please leave?" The girl politely asked after calming down, this request cause the Coach to look at her confused.

"What?" The teacher questioned, seemingly surprised.

"She has just politely asked you to get out, I think you should just do what we have requested." I spoke up again, Mr Kang then turning to look at me annoyed.

"You want me to go out there? After all I did to get here? You want me to go back out?" The Coach asked in disbelief.

"You were bit." Isak spoke up again, "Get out."

𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑤𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 || 𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑂𝑓 𝑈𝑠 𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑Where stories live. Discover now