The switch

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Author's Note: Sorry, I've been away for a bit but I'm back and I have the next few chapters ready to write so I hope you enjoy. This is short but it's mainly a filler for between Twilight and New moon.

Chaos's POV: (wanted to try something new.)

I quietly waited in my office. I know, Chaos, quiet?! It surprised me as well, but I was nervous as my brother, order, was coming. Now he, was the only person or being I was afraid of. Especially when it came to asking for permission.

Things for his daughter were becoming dangerous and chaos was desperate to change the drastic fate of his dearest daughter, but he needed order's permission this time.

His thoughts were cut off due to the sudden arrival of another presence. 

Order, stood proud, in front of him with a neutral expression. Neither giving off any happiness, nor anger. That was what worried chaos.

"What is it, this time chaos?' 

Straight to it I see, okay.

"I have had a small look into the future timeline for my daughter and," chaos took a short, unneeded breath, "I wondered if I may change a certain detail or two to insure-"

"Oh, so now you ask for my permission to do something in my area of expertise," my brother had never acted so sarcastic and stressed before.

Order took a small exasperated gasp before calming down. 

"Chaos, you know that if you were to change your daughter's and my nieces fate, there would have to be switch."

Chaos's knew that there would have to be a switch, at one point, but the only thing he didn't know was who would be taking his daughter's place.

"Chaos, brother," the two were now eye to eye neither breaking eye contact, "if this doesn't work and Katerina's decision counters yours, you know that her fate and whoever would have taken her place will be tied."

"I know," Chaos began to blink back tears, "but a chance is what I'm asking."

"Then , it will be done."

And those five words was all it took for a bond to be tested.

Katerina's POV:

Twilight was coming to an end and soon new moon would start and it would be time for me to return to my sister. Things with Thalia had been going well. She had been starting to heal and had only just left with the hunters once again. 

Sienna was in Volterra, keeping away from the clocktower and studying at her chosen university. We often talked but there was no way that I was going to Volterra after Dimitri had gotten a bit of my scent and would recognise it in an instant.

No, that would just have to wait for if, I decided to go to Italy with Bella. Speaking of which, Bella had successfully kept my secret, an actual secret from the Cullens. Even if she felt no guilt in telling me theirs. Although we hadn't spoken in months.

The last I had heard was when I had visited Bella in the hospital after the incident with James. It seemed that there was a slight wedge between us. I suspected that she blamed me for not being there for her when it happened.

But what was I supposed to say. Sorry that I left you at the mercy to vampires, that the Cullens should have protected you from while, I was trying to keep the demigod world as far away from you, as possible.

I have been planning to go to Forks for the summer already for the beginning of new moon where I will have to learn some self control so I don't end up ripping Edward to shreds. Right now I was packing my stuff for Forks since I could just teleport there.

Over my time at Camp I managed to get a handle on the rest of my abilities such as black lightning, my powers over all elements, mind control, extreme speed, my control over different universes and my power of creation.

Although, my control other other universes was a working progress. It would have gone quicker if I help from dad but like many months ago, we aren't on speaking terms.

I've been trying to decipher the two prophecies that I discovered but although I had a pretty clear view of what the first one spoke of, the second remained only a figment of dread.

That is if it means what I think it does.

My teleporting skills had gotten so much stronger that I could now travel any distance without getting tired. I arrived outside Charlie's house and knocked on the door.

The house never did changed. Once the door was open I was met with the joyous smile of Charlie Swan. Although, I suddenly found that I lacked the ability to breath.

"You, are not to leave Forks for at least, the summer okay, Bella and I have really missed you."

Ahh, Bella. Now I guess we will just have to see what her actual reaction is to my arrival home.

I got settled into my room, putting the rest of my clothes in my wardrobe, placing my personal item from Camp under my floorboards, including the books of sibylline for safe keeping.

By the time I had done all this it was time to get my bike out. I hadn't brought it to Camp so I had left it at Charlie's. It was dusty, but it didn't take long to clear up.

Riding round forks felt good. It felt right. If anything it felt like home. I was riding round the beach, enjoying the rare sunshine. However, the peace and quiet was disrupted by a sudden ripple in the water. 

I pulled up to the side of a tree and secured my bike so it was safe. Making my way to the water I felt a presence beside me. It was Poseidon. My favourite Great nephew. Shh, don't tell Hades.

But, instead of a friendly smile, a concerned expressed was in its place. "What's wrong, Posey?"

Yes, that is my nickname for him. Over the months I got bored okay.

His expressed to one of a questioning matter but only for a second. 

"I've recently sensed that a death is going to occur in my waters so I went to my brother to see who it was, but according to him, their soul won't make it to the underworld."

That's strange, a death but where the soul doesn't go to the Underworld.

"I'll look into it, anything else?" 

Posey let a sigh of sadness escape him.

"Yes, us on Olympus can sense a disturbance and it seems to be coming from Forks," Posey looked me dead in the eyes, "something is happening, not exactly a war, but something dangerous."

"Alright, what do you think of my nickname for you?"

Posey had an amused smiled on his face. "It's interesting, what's Hera's"

"Control freak queen," and with that I had my name on a wanted poster all over Olympus.

Theirs and Hers (Volturi Kings)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz