Prophecies and Books?!

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Authors Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter. I will be posting twice a week on the weekends until my school breaks-up for holidays.

That morning I got up at a normal time and woke Bella up. After a lot of persuasion both my sister and I were dressed and travelling to school. On the way, Bella ranted about how she didn't know what Ed-weirdos problem was. I could tell you but it sure as hades isn't a human one.

As expected Eddy boy didn't show. I was still invited to the Cullens table at lunch though.

"So, where's Edward?" I still had to act clueless.

"He went to see some of our relatives for the week," Alice covered. Well, she wasn't exactly lying.

"How is your second day in forks?" Emmet tried to stir the conversation away from eddy.

"It's pretty good, the classes are okay, luckily I have been coping with my dyslexia." Compared with other demigods I was pretty okay with it, as long as I wrote it quickly in ancient greek first.

"Oh, you have dyslexia!"

"Yeah, I was born with it, I used to have really bad ADHD too but I learn to control it as I got older," I explained.

"Anyway would you like to come over to our house on the weekend to maybe hang out before going shopping?" Rosalie asked. I think that she might have started to like me. Yay.

"I'd like that, what time?" I didn't know what they were up to but they were hardly going to hurt me. After all, they wouldn't even have a chance.

"We'll pick you up at your house, maybe you can bring your sister if she wants?" Yep, they were defiantly up to something, but I just responded with a nod and a smile.

                                                                               A few hours earlier.                                                                                      

Alice's POV:

I stood in the middle of a field. I looked all around me. All I could see was two figures. One had the form of a snake, the other was some sort of soldier. I didn't understand what was happening but the two seemed to be fighting one another. The vision started to fade but before my true sight returned I saw a face I had been longing to see in a vision of mine. Katerina swan stood in between the two with no emotion on her face. Only a smirk.

As I gained my vision back, my family stood around me looking concerned. I didn't understand why. I had had visions before this. Before I asked I looked down. There on my wrist were the words:

Chaos's child stands strong and tall,

Yet stands between the worlds of war.

Only they can truly mend the rift,

By seeing her heart behind the mist.

A cloud of darkness hangs from her head,

As her life is just a golden thread.

"What happened Alice what did you see?" Jasper asked.

I struggled to find the words, What had I seen and what did those words mean. "I...there was a snake and a soldier, they were fighting but then Katerina swan appeared between them... I don't know about the words though."

Carlisle stood quiet, he seemed to know something we didn't. Suddenly Rosalie interrupted his thoughts. "Carlisle what aren't you telling us?"

Carlisle looked at us all stressed. The rest of my siblings and I just waited for him to continue.

"Along time ago, the volturi found books written in Ancient Greek, they had different, what some may call them, prophecies, I could have sworn one of them was what is written on your arm, of course the three kings were very interested in them but, couldn't figure them out."

I was confused once again. What did this have to do with Katerina?

"Maybe it involves Katerina somehow and you just wanted to see into her decisions so much that you ended up seeing a prophecy." Even Esme didn't sound so sure. All of this happening in less than 48 hours of Katerina coming to forks. No something was up.

"Perhaps we could invite her here and observe her a bit to see if she is hiding something, if you saw her then maybe you might remember something you read in one of the books." Everybody agreed. If Katerina was something supernatural then we were going to find out what.

                                                                  Back to the present.

Katerina's POV:

My curiosity got the best of me. I had to know what the Cullens were up to, so I may or may not have done a bit of memory digging in a certain blond haired vampire. I had to hide my shock while in Maths.

The Volturi had the sibylline books. What the Tartarus?! At camp I had heard about Ella the harpy knowing and reading them but everybody in my world thought they were destroyed. I wonder what would happen if they just so happen to go missing. 

What's more was that there was a prophecy about me. Not that the Cullens knew so but I was the only child of chaos. 

I knew that I would need to get my hands on those books because not only do they have prophecies in them but dad once told me about our bloodline could use our blood to be given hints of the future. I could just use Alice but she'd get too suspicious.

I could always teleport myself into Volterra and grab the books but it would be too risky since I couldn't turn invisible unfortunately, unless. 

My father controls time so therefore so do I. If I could stop time briefly around the clocktower then technically I would be moving like lightning speed compared to vampires. I would just need to keep out of sight as much as possible.

I returned home with Bella in her truck. Charlie was already standing outside on the porch waiting for us. "Are you two ready to go to the diner?" Charlie asked.

Bella and I looked at one another. If it weren't for the sudden memory of the awkward conversation from the films I wouldn't have a clue about what he was talking about. 

When we arrived Bella didn't look very impressed, then again, she didn't look very impressed with anything since she got here, other than when she saw Ed-weirdo unfortunately. We ordered our food which did look good.

Once I got home, I would have to practise stopping time around me. My father seemed to be laying low. I didn't know why but I knew better than to endanger him. My thoughts were interrupted when what looked to be one of Charlie's friends approached our table. 

"Wow, you two have grown, you remember me." Bella and I just gave him a confused look.

"I was Santa one year," He tried but we really didn't remember.

"They haven't had a Christmas since they were seven," Charlie explained. 

"Waylon, let the girls enjoy their garden burgers," the waitress who was apparently friends with Charlie told him. Oh, Waylon, poor Charlie, at least he got to see him before, well, you know what happens.

I excused myself from the table and made my way into the bathroom. I didn't mean to be rude but if I was going to get those books I was going to have to take this opportunity to practise because Charlie would never let me practise my powers without an explanation which I couldn't give him.

Teleporting to Volterra wasn't going to be easy but it was probably going to be the easiest part of my plan. Since calling my dad wasn't an option I was going to need to use my books that explained how to control my powers, including how to stop time.

Bring on the major headache and broken bones. Yay.

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