|36| proposal?

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Cyrus's POV
The moment I stepped in guest room's bathroom, I couldn't believe my eyes.

There is a bathtub. You must be thinking what a big deal is in it but there is! Last time I said I don't want to stay because he doesn't have a bathtub. Is that a hint? Does he want me to move in?

I blushed furiously as I thought of moving in. Living together, going to work together, cooking together, everything together, doing couple shit. I fanned my face with my hands to calm down the heat and then run outside. I stopped outside his room. I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Gimme a second" he yelled from inside

I tapped my foot continuously on floor and impatiently waited for him to come out. He came out after a minute which felt like an hour.

"Do you need anything?" he asked

I grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the guest room.

"Woah! what happened? Is everything ok? Your face is red. Are you not feeling well?" he asked

"Shut up and come with me" I said and dragged him in my room

I was taking him to the bathroom but he pulled me back. I gave him a questioning look.

"What's wrong? Come inside" I tried to pull him but he stayed statue on his place

"I am not going in. Just tell me what you want to here" he said, looking uneasy

That's suspicious. Is he scared that I would get angry and reject his offer. That might be the reason 'cause I know he is still insecure and scared that I would leave him. That hurts that he doesn't trust me but can't blame him though. If the person who hated me for years suddenly said that he loves me, that would sound suspicious to me too.

"There is a bathtub in there" I said, pointing toward the bathroom

"So?" he asked looking confused at why I am reacting this way

"So? Could there be a hidden message on it?" I asked hopefully

"What hidden message would be in bathtub? Are you okay?" he was looking at me with worries

He thinks I am crazy. Maybe I am. Of course there is no sweet fucking message that would say 'ohh Cyrus, the love of my life, please move in with me. It's so difficult to even breathe without you. Come live with me and make me the happiest man alive' of course there is no fucking message.

I sighed and told him to leave. He looked unsure but left nevertheless. I went inside the bathroom again and glare at the bathtub that I thought was a hint for my happiness. I sighed again strip down. Let's take a long hot bubble bath.

After my bath, I went downstairs. He was putting the plate on the table when I went inside. I went and stood behind him.

"breakfast is ready" he said, without even turning

"What did you make?" I asked, glancing over his shoulder

"Panc-" he stopped as he turned his head toward me, over lips brushed together slightly leaving a tingling feeling on my lips

His eyes widened and pulled away a little, only a little. Our lips were few inches away.

"I want to go to your restaurant for dinner. Come with me" I said, I wasn't asking. I want him there.

"Can we go tomorrow? I have a really important meeting in the afternoon and Lukas and his girlfriend is coming tonight for dinner so I have to go grocery shopping and I have so much preparation to do" he said giving me a sorry look

"Can I come too for grocery shopping?" I asked

"Sure. I will pick you up after I am done with work" he smiled softly

I nodded and sat down on chair. Pancakes. Yummy.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked when he sat down opposite me and started working on his laptop

"No, I am fine" he replied, looking focused on his work

"Shut up and eat something. You didn't eat anything last night" I said, frowning

"I am not hungry. I will eat something in the office. I bet Danny won't let me off the hook before I eat in front of him. So I will just eat there" he replied

I said okay and continue eating. While eating my thoughts wonder to what happened this morning. Why did he freak out so much? Maybe he doesn't like to bottom. If I tell him I like to bottom and he can top then maybe he will be more relaxed and won't freak out next time.

"I am bottom" I said

"Huh?" he looked at me with his eyes wide open. Why is he so shocked?

"Okay?" he looked unsure of what to say

"Yup" I grinned at him

He nodded, still frowning and looking at me like I am crazy. I raised my eyebrows and he shook his head, resumed his work. Then after he got ready, we left. He dropped me to my company and then went his own way. I keep working until lunch comes and his call too.


"I am outside" he said

"Okay, coming" I hung up and made my way to the elevator

I pressed the button and leaned back. I have never done grocery shopping before. My servants do that for me, cleaning, cooking, everything. Why doesn't he have any servant? Maybe he likes household work.

The elevator stopped and I walked out. Outside the building, I saw him leaning against his car and talking to someone on the phone. His back facing me. I tip toed and tried to eavesdrop.

"Lukas you know I hate 'family' dinner" he emphasized family and spoke with anger

"Fine I will come but I have a condition" .... "I will bring someone with me" .... "No, Danny is busy. It's someone else" .... "Fine, see you tonight" I hung up the call and sighed

"If you are done eavesdropping, shall we go?" he asked

I startled. How does he know I was here? He turned around and gave me a sorry look.

"Looks like I don't need to go grocery shopping anymore" he shrugged looking kinda sad

"Can I tell you my observation?" I asked

"Yes?" he said confusedly

"Your brother is an asshole" I said deadpan

"Hey! He is not that bad" he laughed and I chuckled too

"He is"

"By the way, attend the dinner with me" it wasn't a request.

"Your parents hate me" I stated the fact

"And who gives a fuck" he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I keep my hands on his chest.

"We are in public" I whispered shyly

"So? You said you love me. Then what's the problem if people know? Or are you planning to keep me your dirty little secret?" he whispered back, looking at me intensely

"No but I think it's better if I tell my parents myself instead of them knowing through media and I don't want my parents to know about you yet" I said

"Mr kartz, are you ashamed of me?" he asked, he tried to mask it with a small smile but I can see that he is hurt.

"No, never. You are my pride. I don't want them to know yet because I am scared that my parents won't accept us. Just few months, then I am gonna show off you and make all your fan girls and boys jealous" I reassured him

"You better do that" he laughed

Always stay happy bastard. Nothing to be insecure about, I am not going to leave you. I will stay. I promise I will.

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