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Cyrus's POV
After their little marathon, we all played monopoly. I had a little fun but something was off. I felt angry. Zayn's most attention was on Emma and Daniel instead of me this time. He was teasing Daniel instead of me. I know I said to him that it pisses me off when he tease me but it's not true. I want him to tease me. Only me. Emma out first and then me. Zayn was clearly winning but he purposely let Daniel win. It pissed me off even more. Somehow him being close to Emma doesn't bother me much but with Daniel, it really bothering me. They both look so close. At a moment, Zayn even put his hand on his thighs. Seeing that, I couldn't focus on anything else. For some reason that made me a little sad. The thought of them being together gives me a weird feeling. I hate this feeling.

After that we all just talked and laughed for a while or I can say just those three. Zayn tried to include me in conversation but I wasn't in mood. He never looks that much happy when he is with me. He never laughs that freely with me. He didn't even apologize to them but when he is with me, he apologize for everything like I would hate him if he wouldn't. After a while we went in dinning hall for dinner. We all sat down and Zayn served. Emma was on head of table, Zayn on her right, I was next to Zayn and Daniel opposite of Zayn.

"Did you ordered or make it yourself?" Emma asked before eating

"Of course I made everything myself. Everything here is your and Danny's favorite" Zayn said with a grin on his face

"You even made nuggets?! I love you boss!" Daniel said, blowing him a flying kiss

"Love you too Danny" Zayn said, grinning even harder

Yeah, they even gave each other nicknames. Boss and Danny. They have been calling each other since earlier. Perfect nicknames for perfect couple. I think I am gonna puke out soon. On their expensive shoes!!!!

"Why didn't you make spaghetti? I wanted to eat it" Emma said, frowning

"I am not your personal cook" Zayn said, sticking out his tongue at her

"Asshole" Emma mumbled under her breath

"I didn't know you were coming so I didn't make anything sweet. I am sorry" Zayn said, giving me a apologetic smile

Again sorry?!?!

"It's okay" I give him a fake smile, stabbing my fork in steak furiously

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked me, looking concerned

"Yeah, perfectly fine" I said, stuffing my mouth with food

He drop the topic there but keep giving me concerning glances from time to time. At least he noticed something is wrong. I thought he was too busy to do.

After dinner, we all put our plates in sink. Zayn and I were a little slow so we were now alone in kitchen. I turn around to left but he grab my elbow gently to stop me. I turn around and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Did I do something wrong?" he said, looking worried, a frown made its way on his forehead

"No, leave my hand" I said and he immediately left my hand

"What about we make muffins together?" he asked

"Now?" I asked, a little surprised

"Yeah, why not?" he said with a smile on his face

Daniel and Emma also came inside kitchen. She go beside Zayn, putting her hand on his shoulder. Daniel put his hand around my shoulder. I glared at him and slapped his hand away. He pouted and look away. I sighed at his childishness.

"What are you guys doing?" Emma asked

"We are gonna make muffins" Zayn said

"Let me help" Emma said excitedly

My frown deepened. He was finally giving me attention.... Fine, make with her! I don't care!

"We can order muffins. Let's get drunk and dance. It's been a while since we did that" Daniel suggested

They are seriously pissing me off!!!!! And what pisses me even more is that Zayn looks excited at his suggestion and looks like he really wanna do that instead of making muffins with me.

"No! First we are making muffins" Zayn said looking genuine

Ohh I love you...

W-wait - what I just said!!

No! No! No! No! No! No! It was just slip of tongue. I didn't mean it.

"Awww come on! Please....." Daniel and Emma said together


Zayn looks at me for a moment and I shrugged my shoulder like I don't care. So he said okay.

"Yeahhhhh! Let's partyyyyyyyyyyy" Daniel and Emma yelled together

"I knew you both would like to get drunk so I already brought alcohol" Zayn said

"Boss you are best" Daniel said as he suddenly jumped on Zayn. Zayn caught him easily. His arms around Zayn's neck and legs around waist. Zayn put his hands on his thighs.

I clenched my fist and bite my inner cheek to control my anger. Zayn and I have never been this close!! It pisses me off that how Daniel can so easily touch him and hug him without hesitation and feeling embarrassed. It makes me mad how we are not that close yet.

"Daniel I swear if you call me boss one more time, I am gonna fire you" Zayn said seriously

"I think you forgot we made a deal. I will stop calling you boss when you will start doing what I told you to do" Daniel said

Their faces were so close to each other. Their whole body was touching. I felt like I was gonna explode from anger. With anger, there was a little pain in chest. It's weird to feel that way. I want to leave now. I can't stay here anymore.

"Get down first, you are heavy" Zayn said

Daniel gasped as he stand on his own feet. He put his hand on his chest looking offended

"You broke my heart boss" Daniel said

"Let's go back in living room" Zayn chuckled and lightly smacked on his head

"It's party night" Emma sing as we went back in living room


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