"Anything else?" You asked while glancing at the clock, you had been here far too long. "I think that's it." Says the other PR person and Bakugo's assistant. "Then I will add this to your calendar and set up reminders." With that, the meeting was finally over, or so Y/n thought.

Bakugo moved quickly to pull out your chair, thanking him, you stood up. Stretching out your limbs. It was just the two of you in his office now. Large hands twitched at their owner's side, oddly sweaty and equally dangerous, they were itching to touch you. To caress every inch of that perfect body after burning away those pesky clothes that hide your form from his deep red optics.

Seeing someone new for the first time in about forty minutes, Shinso walked over, he had calmed down just a bit while waiting. This person was DynaMight's other PR person, "hello there, how are you?" Mind Break asked, quirk activating for the first time since he got here.

Everyone knew not to answer him verbally, it was a rule here at DM's agency, a silly one everyone thought but what did they know? "Oh! I'm f-"

"Wonderful, where is Y/n L/n?"

"They're in Bakugo-sama's office."


"The meeting just ended..."

"Let me into the elevator that goes up to his private office. In fact, come with me to let me in." Nodding her head, she does as she is told, turning on her heels and going back towards the hidden elevator. The ride up was quiet, arms crossed, a deep frown was plastered on his features.

His h/c tresses beauty had promised him that they had the day off, and he gave his word that he wouldn't work that day. It was an important date yet both promises were broken. On top of that, coming home to an empty house had the young hero on edge. Had something happened? Did you get tired of him breaking his word and decided to leave for a few days?

Did you find someone better? You were so happy about this date, spending the whole day together after so many months apart because of work. Checking the house for a note, Hitoshi found one, you apologized for going back on your word but Bakugo needed you. You could have easily pointed out how he broke his word first but you didn't.

My sweet Y/n, I don't deserve you, but I'll kill anyone that tries to take you from me. I suppose I'll wait, the note said it wouldn't be long.

Thinking back on it just made him even more bitter. That damn bastard, I know he's keeping them late on purpose, trying to make us fight or drift apart so he can swoop in. Stepping out of the elevator, double doors greeted him, on the other side was the love of his life. "Go on, open the door." A keycard and password were needed to get into this office.

Letting Shinso in, she stood by waiting for new orders. Pushing the double doors open, purple irises swept the room, stopping once they locked onto your frame. Large callous hands were resting on your hips, no, his hips! Pulling you closer to the taller pro, crimson gems stared deeply, longingly at yours. "You know you could do better than him, I can do so much more for you, Y/n."

Small sparks flared up in the palm of Katsuki's hand burning your clothes and marking your skin a bit. A gasp left your lips as an enraged Toshi stomped over to you, pulling the blond away. DynaMight knew that it was Shinso behind him, knew the other male would act. One false move and Katsuki Bakugo would be given a reason to finally kill that wannabe.

Then the two of you could be together without that shit stain in the way. "I don't remember inviting any shitty extras in here, why are you?"

"Why are you sexually harassing my significate other?" Bakugo huffed, his well-toned arms bulging as they crossed. "Sexually harassing, that's not happening. And who are you talking about? You mean MY friend and employee?"

There was so much hidden meaning and possessiveness behind that one word. "We were just going on L/n's position, their options." Glancing at you, your face flushed, you were happy that Toshi showed up.

Any longer and you might have been tempted to take up Katsuki's offer, a part of your mind screamed at you to do it. To break free of the hold that was placed on you by Mind Break. It wasn't his quirk at work, oh no, just his personality, good looks, and odd charm.

However, there were dangerous parts to your lover, a much darker part of him that would flare up any time a rival came into the picture. Even when that rival wasn't actually a rival but an old friend, family member, coworker, hell, even a non-cat a pet. Sharing was something that Toshi didn't like doing with anyone or anything when it came to you.

"Keep your hands off Y/n, Bakugo." That usually monotone or sleepy voice was hard, laced with unspoken threats. "Or what? You going to cry about it?" Turning to look at you, a hand reached out to caress your cheek.

"My little Y/n deserves the best, and I am the b-" before he could get the words out a punch was thrown. Nearly taking the tall blond's head off, luckily he dodged it. Pushing you out the way, the pair started to fight, fists and words flying. They were moving at such speeds that it felt like a blur to you.

One second Shinso was standing over Bakugo, the next he was on his back blocking his face from those fiery fists. Katsuki had swept the indigo-haired hero's legs from underneath him, rolling them both over. Y/n L/n knew better than to attempt to stop either one of them. They were pros, you were just a high school friend that got lucky by being offered a job by Japan's number one hero.

Of course, that job was just a front so that Bakugo could try to get you into his arms. Losing to Hitoshi didn't sit right with DynaMight, had he just been a bit faster, then he could have been the one to save you and confess his undying love. Instead, that damn purple-eyed freak got in the way and stole his thunder.

The room was trashed thanks to both pros, Bakugo's desk has seen better days. As Shinso was thrown through it, that didn't stop him though. Getting right back up, Hitoshi returned that blow with one of his own, knocking Katsuki so hard he cracked the window overlooking the city. It wasn't until you started to yell at them that they noticed the damage.

You stood by the window that was about to give out, trying to get away from their approaching forms as they both talked over each other. Crazed possessive looks in their eyes. Telling you just how much better they were than the other. It's just too bad that neither one of them was paying enough attention.

Your back hit the weak glass, e/c eyes going wide as a scream ripped from your lips. Hands reached out to grab yours, fingertips brushing but not holding on. You were falling, you were going to die. Cursing both of their names, your world went black.

1970 words. This took me a bit to write mainly because I was feeling lazy, sorry for the wait, Fendi_lm

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