The Battle of Yorktown: Part 2

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Hamilton returned to the battlefield after a week. He was in command this time, and I was happy to be a part of his troop, fighting alongside him the entire time. We met Lafayette before the battle and exchanged handshakes.

"Lafayette, I do have a question for you. What happens once we've won the war?" I asked him because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to see my friend after the war was over.

"I'm going back to France. If given the chance, I will bring freedom to my people." Lafayette responded, and my worst nightmare became a reality. He rubbed my back as I hugged him tightly.

"We'll be there for you when you get there, good friend." Now you must go and lead your men. We'll catch up with you on the other side." As a result, Lafayette left us to fight in Chesapeake Bay while he waited for us to round the British over to him.

Everyone gathered in the General's tent before we left. Alexander explained his plan to us: we were to attack at night, with no bullets in our guns, because a stray bullet would give us away. The code word for our attack was 'Rochambeau,' and Alex was supposed to give it to us. We had Hercules on our side, so we knew this plan would work

I didn't get to say my final goodbyes to John. He set out early in the morning for South Carolina to redefine bravery and fight to end slavery. I pray to God that his plans will work out in our favour and that I will be able to see all of my friends alive after the war.

As a result of our attack, the battlefield was strewn with blue and red jackets, and soon with the blood of our and their people. I can't even count how many people I've shot or how many times I've been hurt during the week of nonstop fighting. I had a few scrapes and bruises, and my uniform was covered in blood, but I vowed I would not stop fighting until the war was won. I devised the idea of making improvised bombs out of gunpowder and alcohol, which proved to be extremely useful. We arrived at Chesapeake Bay, and I saw a glint of curly brown hair on the battlefield slicing the British, and I knew Lafayette was fine. When we arrived in Yorktown, I noticed French ships closing in on the docks, preventing the British from escaping. I also saw Hercules beat the snot out of a British with his bare hands; that man is a beast, I tell you.

A young man in a red coat stands on a parapet after a week of fighting. As he frantically waves a white handkerchief, everyone lowers their weapons. We were victorious! They surrendered!

We care for the injured and keep track of the dead. Everyone is wondering if this truly means freedom, but it does not.

George Washington approaches General Clinton and they negotiate the terms of surrender, with Washington smiling. In a single file, our troops lead the British out of Yorktown. We walk down the streets, our opponents retreating, church bells ringing, and tens of thousands of people crowding the streets to celebrate our victory over the British. The world had flipped upside down, and America was finally free.

When I'm finally satisfied with everything, I notice Alexander, Hercules, and Lafayette approaching me. I sprint towards them, intending to engulf them all in a bear hug, but I collapse before I get there. My feet finally gave up due to exhaustion and blood loss. Before I went uncouncious, I saw my friends holding me and smiling at me, tears streaming down their faces.

I awoke two days later in the medical tent at our base camp, surrounded by bandages on my hands and feet, as well as a bandage on my cheek from when I was almost shot in the head and the bullet scraped my cheek. Alexander was sitting on the right side of my bed when I looked up.

"You frightened me yet again, Amalia. ¿En qué demonios estabas pensando?"As he wiped a tear from his eye, he asked me.

"No era mi intención. There was no time to rest because the war had to be won." I informed him.

"¡Podrías haber muerto! ¡Otra vez!" Alex scolded me.

"Pero no lo hice, ¿ahora sí?" He was getting on my nerves, so I inquired.

"Alexander, that's enough; I know you were concerned about Miss Porter, but as you can see, she's doing fine. She was the best soldier on our battlefield, and while she didn't consider her own health while fighting, she did consider yours and your friends'." Washington said as he rested his hand on Alexander's shoulder.

Washington took his seat next to my bed after Alexander had left us alone. He looked at me and smiled warmly, which I returned.

"Pay attention, Amalia. I know this may surprise you, but I've been thinking about it for the past three days as our soldiers packed their belongings to return home to their families." He began.

"Go ahead," I said.

"I'm putting together a cabinet; Congress wants me to be President of the United States, and since you're like my daughter, I was thinking of making you my personal secretary. It's similar to being a vice president, but without the same level of power. I've already spoken with Alexander and asked him to be my Secretary of Treasury, and I believe Thomas Jefferson will join us as Secretary of State once he returns from France." Washington told me that when he was talking, he looked into my eyes and it was as if he was looking into my soul.

"What will my responsibilities as your personal assistant be, sir?" I inquired.

"You will handle documents, programme meetings, and bring issues to Cabinet Meetings for me." He informed me.

"I was doing the same thing while Alexander was sent home."


"I'm all in." I agreed to his proposal.

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