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As Hoseok carefully stepped closer, he saw Jungwon was silently crying.

"It's okay, we'll find a way" whispered Hoseok, putting a hand on Jungwon's shoulder.
"I destroyed everything" whispered Jungwon.

Hoseok stayed silent. A slight part of him wanted to agree. Hopefully the rest of him wanted to protect Jungwon.

"I'll find a way and I'll get out of your lives. You deserve to be happy, and I'm the opposite of your happiness" whispered Jungwon, still looking at Yoongi.
"That's nonsense" said Hoseok, louder. "You're my brother. No matter what."

"I don't understand you" added Jungwon. "You should hate me. You should hit me. You should curse me."

Hoseok closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Jungwon. You made a mistake. A big one, I won't lie. But that was three hundred and a half years ago. You're not the same angry teenager you were. I've watched you grow so much. Of course I am mad" said Hoseok.

Jungwon looked down.

"I'm mad that you thought we would abandon you" continued Hoseok.

Jungwon finally gathered the courage to look into Hoseok's eyes.

"You're my little brother" said Hoseok. "Forever."

Jungwon simply dove into Hoseok's arms.

"I'm so sorry" sobbed Jungwon.
"We'll figure it out together, okay?" said Hoseok with a reassuring voice.
"I truly hope so" said Jungwon. "It doesn't matter anymore if I can't find love myself. Yoongi should be free."
"What about Jay?" whispered Hoseok.
"He doesn't love me" said Jungwon. "And I don't know if I'll ever move on, but that doesn't matter right now."

Hoseok tried to hide his smile.

Jay on the other hand had been witnessing this whole thing, no knowing if he should make his presence known or not.

Hoseok turned himself slightly until his eyes met Jay's. He nodded to him, making the message clear.

"Hum... well.. it's not like that" said Jay shyly.

Jungwon opened his eyes in shock. Hoseok let him go and stepped a little aside, next to Yoongi.

"Jay? What are you doing here?" asked Jungwon, suddenly forgetting everything around.
"I came by your apartment because I was worried" explained Jay.

Jungwon was listening, but at the same time, his brain was focused on something else.

"For how long have you been here?" asked Jungwon, scared for his life.
"I came with Hoseok" he said.

Jungwon's face decomposed itself. If he had been there this long, it meant that he had heard about the three hundred and fifty years.

"About that" started Jungwon.
"Don't worry about it" said Jay, confidently.

It was clear for Jungwon that they weren't thinking about the same thing. It couldn't be.

"The reason I told you we couldn't work things out is that I thought we were too different" said Jay.
"I know, you told me that" replied Jungwon, trying to ignore the knife dragged in his wound.
"I wanted to protect you" added Jay.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" mumbled Jungwon.
"Look" said Jay. "I was wrong. I think we could work."

I'm still immortal Jay. That won't work.

"I don't think so" replied Jungwon, not believing he was the one rejecting Jay.
"What if I told you I'm older than you?" asked Jay.
"I know, I know, you're a few months older" replied Jungwon.
"No. I mean older than you" corrected Jay, dead serious.
"You mean.." mumbled Jungwon.
"I think I'm around a century older than you" said Jay.

Jungwon's jaw dropped. It dropped so fast it hurt him.
Jay was an immortal. Just like him.
All those doubts, all those questions, everything had been in vain.

"But.." started Jungwon, incapable of processing everything faster.
"I was scared you were human, and that I would end up hurting you for obvious immortal reasons" explained Jay softly.
"I was scared that you were a human" added Jungwon.
"I know that now" confirmed Jay.

"So.. can we be together?" asked Jungwon, still not believing it.
"I think so, if you want to of course" replied Jay, smiling.

Jungwon slowly walked the short distance separating them and after hesitating for a second, he hugged Jay. The latter immediately hugged back.
Jay was taller, which allowed him to rest his cheek on Jungwon's head.

"I've waited an eternity for you" whispered Jay.
"Don't ever let me go okay?" asked Jungwon.


Hoseok smiled as he saw Jungwon and Jay kiss for the first time. It reminded him of his own memories so much.
The fear of sharing feelings with someone that could be mortal was extremely terrifying. However, it had been different for Yoongi and him.

They had built the strongest friendship during years, learning every detail about each other. In fact, Hoseok knew he had romantic feelings for Yoongi for a very long time before he decided to confess. As they had the whole eternity to be together, he had chosen to take his time.

Unfortunately for him, the day he chose to confess his love out loud, Yoongi had been turned.
Since then, he had never spoken these words again. He couldn't.
They represented so much for him.

Some things were safer not being said, right?

"Seems somehow familiar, doesn't it?" he asked.

Evidently, Yoongi didn't reply verbally, but Hoseok felt like he agreed.

"I'm so happy he finally found someone" added Hoseok. "Our wish came true."

Both happiness and sorrow were holding Hoseok's heart.

"I love you"

Hoseok's eyes widened. He had clearly heard Jay confessing to Jungwon. His heart was beating extremely fast, his brain was bringing back past memories and before he knew it, he was seeing Yoongi being turned into stone before him again.

"I love you too" replied Jungwon.

Hoseok almost screamed.

They shouldn't be saying that!
What if they

However Hoseok didn't get to finish his thought.
Nothing bad had happened.
No one had been turned to stone.
It was just flashbacks from his past.

Hoseok's brain was numb. Too much was going on inside of him. He slowly turned his body until he was facing the statue.

He couldn't control it.
There was something he needed to do next.
Something he had wanted to do every day for a long time.

Hoseok closed his eyes.

"I love you Yoongi" he whispered, scared to hear them out loud.

Before he could open his eyes, he heard a loud crack.

The Statue - Yoongseok FFWhere stories live. Discover now