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Before Namjoon could say anything, they heard a familiar voice near them.

"Hi guys!"

Hoseok looked at Namjoon in a frustrated way. The latter simply nodded, and even though he hadn't said anything, Hoseok understood it meant "we'll talk later".

"Hi Jimin" said Hoseok, trying to put all of his questions aside.

After all, Jimin had nothing to do with all that, and as they were to meet soon, it was normal they bumped into each other.
That was the logical way of seeing it, however Hoseok was extremely disappointed, and he knew Namjoon could feel it.

"How was your day?" asked Jimin, smiling as he shone his sunshine personality on them.
"Oh you know, homework" said Hoseok.
"I ate lunch with" started Namjoon.
"Tell me it's Jin!" interrupted Jimin, clapping near Namjoon's arm.

The concerned opened up his eyes widely. Hoseok couldn't help hut wonder if he was "reading" Jimin's emotions right now.

"No" he said, looking at Jimin.

The latter was clearly disappointed.

"Why?" asked Namjoon, squinting his eyes slightly.
"Oh, nothing" said Jimin. "I did some shopping with Tae and Kookie actually."
"Did you just change subjects?" asked Namjoon, chuckling.

"Aaaaanyway, we should go, we're late" said Jimin, looking away.
"But aren't you always late?" asked Namjoon, laughing.


The restaurant was crowded and cheerful. The six friends had decided to try a new restaurant together every month, instead of just hanging out at their usual snack bar, to "widen their horizons" had explained Jimin.

"And then he screamed so much!" said Taehyung, laughing.
"Hey" said Jin, quite loud. "The movie was very well made, and I got a little startled, that's all."

The whole table looked at him, doubting this last statement. Jin's younger brother always found a way to tease him.

"Okay, okay" Jin admitted finally. "I got scared. But you guys also have fears, I don't see why we're only making fun of mine!"
"I don't" said Namjoon.
"Don't have fears, or weirdly don't make fun of Jin?" asked Jimin.

Namjoon choked on his water. As soon as he managed to swallow it, he chuckled. Jimin was on fire tonight.

"Don't have fears" he managed saying with some difficulties.
"Yeah right" said Taehyung. "Nothing?"
"At least, I don't think I've been confronted to something that scared me until now" corrected Namjoon.

The silence lasted only one second before Namjoon realized his mistake.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were already looking at each other, trying to make up a plan in silence.
Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose in despair.

"What is going on?" whispered Hoseok to Jin.
"They're going to try to scare him at all costs from now on" whispered Jin, knowing how Taehyung acted, and guessing how the others would follow.
"Oh boy" replied Hoseok.
"Exactly" said Jin, laughing.

"How are you doing by the way?" asked Jin. "We haven't talked much this week."
"True" replied Hoseok, Taehyung started telling a ghost story to Namjoon. "Well, nothing much, pretty busy with my creative writing assignment, spending some time with Jungwon, pretty usual."
"That's cool" said Jin.
"How about you?" asked Hoseok.

Jin quickly looked at the four others, only to notice the mission to scare Namjoon was still going on.

"You know, same old, same old" replied Jin.
"Are you sure?" asked Hoseok.
"You spend a lot of time with Namjoon right?" asked Jin, kind of out of nowhere.
"I guess, yes" replied Hoseok. "We have a lot of classes in common."

Jin looked upset.

What is he thinking about?

Somewhere in Hobi's brain, something suddenly clapped.

"He's a good friend" he added.
"He is" he replied, looking at the concerned.

At this moment Namjoon turned his head, meeting Jin's gaze. Hoseok smiled. He knew how confusing yet exciting this relationship was being.

He could recognize it when he saw it. After all he had been through it as well. This little fear of realizing you might have feeling about a certain friend. Wondering if this feeling is two sided or not.

A wide smile spread on his lips. He was excited for Namjoon and Jin. Hopefully everything would go well for them.

He only wished Yoongi had been there with him to share the excitement.

As he sighed, he felt Namjoon's gaze fall on him. He obviously had sensed that, but Hoseok ignored him.


"See you guys!" said Kookie, waving at the boys.
"So..?" asked Taehyung.
"Oh yes, pijama party at my place to plan everything" confirmed Kookie, grabbing Tae's arm.
"Wait for me!" said Jimin, following them closely.

Hoseok had to take upon himself not to drag Namjoon on the side of the square until the latter explained everything that had happened before they met the boys.

The way Namjoon had said "oh boy" with a shocked face was stuck in Hoseok's mind. He needed the truth. However, he also knew that this was the perfect opportunity for Jin and Namjoon to spent some time alone.

"I'm kinda tired" said Hoseok. "I'm gonna head home I think. See ya!"

The two friends said good night and Hoseok started heading home after giving Yoongi a last glance.


Even before he had opened his entrance door, Hoseok heard there was people inside his apartment. A frown instantly formed on his forehead as he turned the key in the lock.

"Won?" he asked as he entered his place.
"Hobi!" he heard Jungwon replying in the living room.

Hoseok had heard other voices, which he hadn't recognized.

"This is Hoseok!" said Jungwon, as soon as the latter entered the living room.
"Hi" replied the older brother, taking a look at Jungwons friends, trying to guess which one was the famous Jay.

Jungwon proceeded to introduce them, but there were six people and Hoseok didn't get all the names. There was a Sunoo for sure, a Riki -or Niki- Hoseok wasn't sure.
As soon as Jungwon pronounced Jay's name, the concerned smiled at Hoseok.

He had sharp and strong features, which contrasted incredibly with the softness of his smile.

I like him.

"I'll let you guys have fun, then" said Hoseok, not wanting to be the older guys hanging out with his brother's friends.


Hoseok was about to prepare his glass of water for the night when he met one of them in the kitchen, grabbing the ice cream container.

"Sunoo, right?" asked Hoseok.
"Yes" he replied. "Jungwon told me to get this."

Hoseok smiled. Was he that intimidating?

"Don't worry, Jungwon's friends should feel at home here" he said as he opened the faucet.
"Thank you" politely replied Sunoo.

"So" said Hoseok, not able to keep his mouth shut. "Is there something between Jay and Jungwon?"

Sunoo opened his eyes widely.

"What?" He whispered.
"Jungwon told me you and him are close. I'm sure you already know it" added Hoseok.
"Of course I do!" proudly answered Sunoo. "I just didn't know you knew."

They share an intense eye contact.

"Their date went well, that's all I say" Sunoo finally gave in, in a huge smile.
"Awesome!" replied Hoseok, truly happy for Jungwon.
"I should" started Sunoo.
"I'm going to bed anyway" confirmed Hoseok.

Sunoo excused himself, leaving Hoseok alone with his glass of water. He made his way back to his bed, hoping to fall asleep fast.

Unfortunately for him, the night had decided to drown him with nightmares again.

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