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"I'm sorry, I don't want friends"  said August.

Hobi chuckled. The boy's words did not match the curiosity in his cat like eyes.

"And why is that?" he asked.
"Can't tell you" simply replied August, looking down.
"Can I at least ask your name?" asked Hobi.

August sighed.

"Only if you leave after I tell you" warned August.
"Deal" agreed Hobi.
"My name is August" revealed the latter.

Now something that August hadn't seen coming happened. The smile that Hobi gave him turned his whole world upside down.
It wasn't just a smile. It was a sincere and gentle smile. One that came naturally. One that showed how happy Hobi was at this very instant.
All of that only because he had learned August's name?
August somehow felt in the deepest part of his heart that from that moment on, this smile would be the reason of his happiness.

"What is yours?" asked August, in an irresistible need to know more about this boy.
"I thought I needed to leave" replied Hobi in a gentle chuckle.

August frowned for half a second. He had forgotten about that

"My name is Hobi" announced the latter, enjoying how August seemed lost in his feelings right now.

Hoseok put his pen down, satisfied. He had already written a lot during class, however as he had arrived home early, he had decided to revise his story a bit. He changed a verb here, added an adjective there.

Apparently he had chosen the right time to stop writing. Jungwon had just arrived home.

"Hyung?" he asked from the entrance hall.
"I'm back here" informed Hoseok.

However, he didn't stay "back here" for too long. After a few seconds, the brothers were both in the kitchen.

"How was your day?" asked Hoseok, ready to hear Jungwon complain.
"It was... okay" replied the youngest.
"I understa-" started Hoseok, before his brain had processed Jungwon's words. "Wait what?"
"It wasn't as bad as expected" replied Jungwon.

Hoseok couldn't help but feel shocked at this statement. Jungwon had made it very clear that he disliked the idea of going back to high school, even if it was in the last year.

"Well, I'm happy for you" replied Hoseok, looking at him.

Now, Hoseok and Jungwon knew each other for a long time. A very long time even. However Hoseok had never seen Jungwon with the expression he had today. It was a strange mix between peaceful and happy?

No that's not it.

Unfortunately for the older brother, Jungwon didn't give him time to try to elucidate this mystery.

"How about you?" he asked.
"It was quite good actually" replied Hoseok, smiling. "I think I even made friends."
"You?" asked Jungwon, surprised as well. "Congratulations, I didn't know that was possible."

Jungwon laughed, soon joined by Hoseok, who had pouted for two seconds only.

"So, diner?" asked Hoseok.
"Sure" replied Jungwon.


While they were eating, Hoseok received a text from Namjoon, asking if he could swing by the apartment. He hadn't explained why, and Hoseok hadn't asked. It seemed that if Namjoon had asked, it would probably be about something important.

Jungwon was washing the dishes as the door bell rang.
Hoseok opened the door and let his friend in. He then introduced him to Jungwon and offered him something to drink.

"Sure you don't want sprite?" asked Hoseok.
"Water is fine" reassured Namjoon for the third time.

As Jungwon finished his dishes, he excused himself to his room. Not only did he want to have some alone time, but he also didn't want to impose himself when Namjoon had obviously visited Hoseok to talk.

"He's in a good mood today" commented Hoseok, once Jungwon had left.
"No wonder" whispered Namjoon.
"What do you mean?" asked Hoseok.

Namjoon looked surprised. As if he hadn't meant to speak out loud. Thing was he had definitely whispered. And Hoseok had definitely heard him.

For some unknown reason, Hoseok noticed how uncomfortable that made Namjoon.

"So did you want to talk about something?" asked Hoseok, in order to change subjects, and hopefully dissipate Namjoon's tension.
"Oh right" said Namjoon. "Yes, I'm really sorry to bother you about that, but it's.. I'm.."

Hoseok nodded to encourage Namjoon.

"It concerns what we talked about on the bench" he said.

Hoseok nodded again. He was expecting that.

"I don't really know what to do about all this" Namjoon.
"Do you need me to offer you advice, or do you need me to listen to you?" asked Hoseok.

Namjoon tilted his head.

"That is a good question" he said.
"I've learned a long time ago that asking that usually helps a lot" explained Hoseok in a chuckle. "Sometimes, we only need to feel heard. Other times, we seek help."

Namjoon nodded.

"I think I want to be heard" he announced.
"Go ahead" replied Hoseok.
"So, as I told you, I usually am good at understanding people's emotions. I don't know if I can explain it. It just feels natural" he started. "But with Jin it's not like that."

"What makes it different?" asked Hoseok.

"I don't know" said Namjoon. "Probably the fact that I have feelings for him?"
"Is it maybe because you don't want to be wrong about your interpretations?" asked Hoseok.

Namjoon took a minute to consider this option.

"That's quite smart actually. Because if I try to understand his emotions, I'm scared I will be biased by my own hopes instead of seeing things clearly and objectively" said Namjoon. "How can I know if I'm being objective?"

Hoseok waited. He had been asked to listen to Namjoon.

"Either way, it's more complicated than that" said Namjoon.

A few seconds of silence filled the room.

"It's so ridiculous" added Namjoon. "Most of the time it is so obvious. Why isn't it obvious with Jin?"

Hoseok hadn't really understood what Namjoon meant by that, but he didn't ask. Namjoon was on a roll, and he didn't want to interrupt.

"See, your brother for example" he continued. "So obvious that he has a crush on someone."

"Wait what?" asked Hoseok.

He didn't expect that at all.

"Haven't you seen?" asked Namjoon. "He had that sparkle in his eyes, a light smile on his face and distant eyes, obviously reflecting how much he was thinking about his crush."

Hoseok felt his formerly frowned eyebrows relax as he remembered something from before.

Jungwon didn't complain about his day. And I noticed how different he looked.

Is Namjoon right?
If he is, I'll never question his sense of observation again. He seems to have grasped so many details about Jungwon, in such a sort time no less.

Does Jungwon really have a crush though?

Who could that be?

The Statue - Yoongseok FFWhere stories live. Discover now