Chapter 05: The State of Class D

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The sky looked especially clear today. No birds or clouds were to be seen. The weather should be comfortable outside. The spring breeze carried a few cherry blossom leaves, but the tree was nowhere to be seen through the classroom windows. As Muren was busy observing the world outside, the student introductions were finally over.

Even Horikita stood up and introduced herself, although she didn't say anything about herself other than her name. She didn't even properly greet her class. She would've definitely left the classroom if it wasn't for that being considered as skipping classes. Muren wasn't certain if she was even interested in the discussion about the school.

"Thank you all for putting up with my selfish request. But it was really nice to hear from everyone here." Hirata spoke with a smile. His happiness was evident in his eyes. It really is a wonder how he cares so much for his class.

"Hirata-kun, don't be like that. We all agreed together on doing this."

"Yeah, yeah, what's wrong with introducing ourselves?"

"You're so kind, Hirata-kun!"

The girls immediately started responding to Hirata. Hirata's kindness had won over a lot of girls. They were saturated with affection towards him. Some were blushing when they spoke out for him excitedly. Karuizawa Kei was the most expressive and enthusiastic of them all. She was already competing with the girls, both to win him over and to stand out as the leader among the Class D girls. That position will become more unshakable once she starts going out with Hirata.

However, the boys were dead silent. About half of them were staring at Hirata in jealousy and anger. Ike, Yamauchi, and Hondo didn't try to hide their displeasure. They exuded heavy beta-male energy while muttering curses at him.

Soon, Hirata continued his words, "Now, I think we need to talk about what we heard from our sensei yesterday and other troubles that anyone has had while in this school." While on the topic of what happened yesterday, Hirata also wanted to prompt the class to share any other concerns they'd been having with this school so far.

The class became quiet for a few moments, unsure about what to say. Some of them looked at Muren and waited for him to share something. But Muren didn't seem very interested in that. He seemed to be contemplating something.

Unable to bear the silence, Ike started the discussion while scratching his head, "In the first place, is there even anything to worry about in this school? It has provided us with everything we could ask for, hasn't it?"

"What are you saying? How would you explain Chabashira-sensei's behavior yesterday? It's weird how she isn't answering any of our questions related to the school." Shinohara spoke out this time.

"Huh?... but that doesn't mean it's necessarily bad for us though. Maybe sensei has a good reason for not telling us yet."

While Ike and Shinohara debated, Horikita and Ayanokoji seemed to be silently conversing with each other, likely about the same topic.

A few more students shared their thoughts. Some of them were scared about what the school was up to. Others were skeptical about this and felt that they were overthinking things. How could a prestigious government institution mistreat its students?

Karuizawa and her friends were busy on their phones and chatting with each other. They couldn't wait to be done with this class conversation and hang out after classes was over. It's not that they didn't care about what's happening, but they felt that their participation was unnecessary.

Other students had their mind wandering elsewhere. Yamauchi ignored everything going on and was staring at Kushida. Kushida sent a smile his way every now and then while attending to everyone else. Sudo looked like he was about to fall asleep at any moment.

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