Chapter 04: Introductions

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The next day.

Muren went to attend his first day of class. After what happened during class yesterday, he took a stroll around the campus to check out the facilities in his uniform. It really was dazzling! The school had gone out of their way to include everything the students would need during their time here. Over 600,000 square meters! This place was a city on its own. 

'How did the government do it? I've never heard of this kind of place in the Earth I lived in. This scale of a project couldn't be achieved without meticulous planning and cooperation with other businesses. How is the government convinced that this will be worth it? What kind of incentives did these businesses receive to help create such a paradise? I wonder if the school's alumni are also involved in this project...'

Looking around the lively classroom, people were excitedly talking about the Keyaki mall and the Karaoke spot they discovered. Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo were already getting along and looked like they were talking about dirty things. Ayanokoji and Horikita seemed to be in speaking terms with each other. Kushida was cheerfully chatting with a group of girls and seemed to be organizing plans to go out today. The girls close to Hirata were talking to him joyously.

Despite everything that happened yesterday, it didn't put a damper on their high spirits.

However, the atmosphere suddenly stilled when Chabashira entered the room. Everything came to a complete halt.

The students didn't forget about her suspicious actions yesterday during Muren's line of questions. It was apparent that their teacher was scheming against her class and wasn't being transparent. Although this dream-like school was intoxicating to them and began numbing their sense of danger, it still couldn't remove the seeds of doubts planted in their hearts. Her arrival today was a remainder that they needed to watch out for her and the school.

Chabashira-sensei's footsteps echoed around the classroom as she scanned the area. Her facial expression was hard to read. She spoke after a few moments of silence, "I know that many of you have your own worries and concerns after my explanation yesterday. But, I won't be able to answer them for the time being. You are free to make your own judgements and decide how you should proceed."

The class listened to her words quietly, but dissatisfaction was still evident in their faces. Chabashira-sensei's serious words aggrieved them even more. They were probably thinking, "Why is she making things difficult for us? Can't she just tell us what we need to know?" 

"Things have come to this stage and you're still acting like this? How inflexible." Muren reclined in his seat and spat those words with a sneer. He expected the school to review what happened yesterday and release a statement to address their anxieties about what the school might do to them, but it looked like they would act as usual. Do you think it'll be fine after you reveal everything next month? By then, Class D would've already veered too far from your expectations.

Chabashira herself might be happy with this current development. Despite the distrust the class might have towards her, it's still better than being played by the school and realizing their mistakes too late. They were moving in a better direction by harboring doubts about the school. It should be completely worth it even if the class doesn't have a good impression of her. Does she see hope in this batch of students?

"That will be all. I'll be back again during Japanese History class." Chabashira walked out of the classroom after she said her piece, leaving the students to think for themselves. 

Even after she left, the atmosphere remained frozen. Their mind was occupied by what transpired just now. Some people wanted to say something, but things were very awkward at this moment. The day was just getting started, but their mood was already souring. If this goes on, they won't be able to maintain a peace of mind. 

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