the Hell Hole (Aspen's POV)

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Today I woke up, feeling tired, when was the last time I had a blood bag? I honestly don't know, that's probably the reason why I have been feeling tired. I walked over to the Picture of mom and flipped it up to put in my passcode,

" 6-1-8-1-8-3-9"

Just as I opened my blood bag my phone rang. Wait, it's my ever so charming twin. Sarcasm, he was the most annoying person on planet earth.

"What do you want Damon?" I questioned with annoyance.

" I've heard from Klaus that some supernatural hunters are coming to Mystic Falls. Can you please come back." he said with "sweetness" in his tone

"Ugh. Fine, when are they coming? 'Cause I need to pack for the trip there and for my old room in the boarding house back. Also, is Stefan there?" I was too frustrated to go back to the place that held darkness in my death.

"Yes, dear twin, Stefan is here, and the hunters are supposedly coming in about one to two days' time." he said, I could tell he was worried they would find out about him.

"Shizballs, couldn't have told me earlier? I'm three states away, jeez." I spoke with annoyance.

"Sorry, Klaus just told me."

"'Kay, bye."

"Buh bye, tree"

"Idiot" we have always ended like that, he would call me a tree, and I would call him an idiot because he was wrong for falling for Kathrine. My nickname started when we were only seven.


We were running around, when we found an out of place aspen tree.

"Look, it is an Aspen tree, like your name," Damon commented

"But I am far more prettier than a tree,"i reply

"Children, come in and have some food," Mother said.

"Okay," we reply in unison.

We raced each other to the door, except I tripped, and tore my dress. Father got mad saying a proper lady doesn't run in the forest. Damon told our parents about the tree we found. After that, he would always call me a tree, sometimes as an inside compliment, sometimes as an insult to me being stupid.


Okay, just need to pack my clothes, a couple blood bags for the road, and toiletries.

It took eight long hours of driving to mystic falls. During the whole thing I was having second thoughts, but Damon being Damon, we always end up back together as a family. Only when one of us is in trouble though.

"Okay, made here at midnight, but, it's better than being caught by Hunters."

I knocked lightly not knowing if I would wake my brothers.

"Huh, no one answered" I said astonished.

I let myself in, knowing they wouldn't mind.

Well since i'm up let me go to my room and get settled and make breakfast at 8 or 9. I don't know when they wake up. I walked into my room and found everything covered in dust and sheets and I found only 5 of my old dresses from the 19th century.

I started by moving the bed from the right side of the room to the left side, right in between the closet and bathroom. Then I moved my desk to the window, a view of the forest we would run in. I remembered when dad told us about vampires, saying to never stay out after dark. After that, when i was bored i would write poems about Damon, stefan and mother. I wrote one poem for dad.

Scared through the night,

For he is a monster,

He is nothing as a father,

He is not a father

He scares me.

He is no gentle loving father,

Mother plans an escape from the clutches of his.

Nothing will escape his strong grasp.

We run, through the forest

Nothing can pass through

We try and try.

Nothing gets out

We are trapped,

He is a monster,

He is no father

He is not gentle, kind or loving

I read the poem from my journal. I loved reading all the poems I wrote over the decades. I would keep a black journal in the bookshelf for my favorite poems. When I was little, I always read Edgar allens poems. I loved how he explained life in a dark reality.

One thing was, when I was eight, I read shakespeare. Everyone said I could make history by being the first Author from Mystic falls. I was always buried in books, never getting the thought of poems as a language of abstract thinking. Sometimes mother had to bring me into my room, because I fell asleep in the library on Weekends.

6 hours later, Stefan got up and helped me unpack my stuff around making sure to be quiet so we didn't wake Damon up.

"Hey, look at that, it seems to look like your room again, and not a room for Damon's use of sentiment." Stefan said with a chuckle.

"Yea, I have one question. Why did you only keep five dresses?" I was a little puzzled.

"Because each of them was a special day, like that one was your first Ball, and this one was when you tried to stop dad from killing me" Damon said from the door with his million-dollar smirk.

"Damon, please come over here?" i said, making it seem like i was going to do something to him


" why do you never listen"

I ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Woah, you miss me that much you should stay here more often." he smirked

"Well I would if this place wasn't hell impersonated" I smugly said back.

"Fine so things went down with the mikaelsons, what about it?"

"You almost killed them! As well as your friends along with them! My god Damon, why did I come Again? Right. To save your pathetic ass from being killed by hunters that are coming today."

Ugh he is so annoying! It's only 9 am. I need to get away. I'll wait for another four or five hours, I'll calm down by then, right?

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