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this is short, but im posting more chapters


As soon as she leaves I decide I'm going to text Aspen.


'Hey, do you want to hang out at the bar?' I say.

'Btw, this is Kat.'

'Hey, sure what time?'

'Tomorrow at 4?'

'Sure I'll be there.'

'Oh by the way is it okay if I bring my friend? She's in town for a bit.'

'Ya sure that's okay.'

'Cool, see you tomorrow.'

'See you.'


Well that went well. I'll tell Claire she will come with me. She can help with more investigating.  I walk out and over to Sam and Dean's room. I can hear faintly Jody yelling at them. This happens everytime. Hang on, there are talking about me. I open the door a little and listen.

"Let her do her own thing. She is better at getting to know people than you guys." Jody almost yells at them.

"We're just trying to keep her safe. She is the youngest." Dean says.

"Well sometimes she is tougher than you!" Ok time to walk in I can't listen to this anymore.

"Kat." Sam sounds surprised. Probably wondering how much of that I heard.

I sit down at the table.

"So, what's going on?"

"Nothing just talking about the case." Sam sounds nervous.

I am starting to get fed up with everyone's behaviour around me. They never let me do anything, it's always Sam, Dean and Cas. At least Jody has my back, and Claire.

That night I couldn't fall asleep, so I read the history books Cas found at the library. This is interesting. I finally doze off.

Oh my god I slept in. It's 10 in the morning. I was supposed to get up at 8. I quickly get dressed and head to their room. They aren't there, only Claire is sitting on the bed on her phone.

"You're late."

"I know, where'd they go?"

"To the bar."

"Come on." They don't listen to anything.

"Where's Jody?"

"She went with them." Okay good she can keep them in line.

When 3:45 came along I told Claire to come with me to the bar. We walked over there and when we entered I could see the three of them at the counter.

"Hey, over here!" I hear Aspen shout in our direction.

"Is that the Boulard girl?" Asks Claire.


When we get over there she asks, "What did you want to talk about?"

"Just about the town's history. I heard in the 1800's there were supposedly vampires and witches here."

"Oh yea, I was obsessed with knowing that part of the town's history, it's like a memory. Our parents liked that era as well."

"When did the whole "vampire" theory start?"

"It started with the three Salvatore children, Damon, Stefan, and Aspen. We were named after them." This is weird.

"1864 was the major year everything changed. The legends have been around ever since then."

I'm thinking there is more to this story. If she is a vampire and her brothers then they are good at lying, but not good enough if we can figure them out.

I look over to where Dean, Sam, and Jody were sitting. It looks like they left, now is a good time to leave.

"This is starting to make more sense, thanks. You explained it better than the books."

I offer to pay the bill "Here let me pay for the drinks."


"Dammit." I got a paper cut. Damn paper money!

"What's wrong?" Aspen asks.

"Cut myself on this damn paper money."

Aspen looked away. Why would she have to look away, it's only a paper cut, unless she is a vamp.

"Hey you okay?" I ask

"Yeah, something got in my eyes."

"I've got to go now, my brothers are probably wondering where I am. Bye!"

"Bye." She sounded a bit sad.

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