going into virginia

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Im gonna be switching posting POV's, so don't get mad at me.


I just woke up and looked at my clock. It's 12 am. Like seriously how early do these guys get up. Just as I'm getting out of bed I hear Dean yell from the Kitchen.


It's funny, he has died how many times and he freaks out when he burns his finger. I only got up because I can smell bacon. Dean makes bacon twice a week. We never have anything else with the bacon, just bacon. Sam always says we should eat better but Dean is Dean and doesn't really listen. When I get to the kitchen I grab a couple pieces and start munching. Sam is sitting at the counter on his laptop like normal. He is always looking for a case.

We are hunters, we hunt everything from Demons to Werewolves. Sam does most of the research and that type of stuff. To me research is boring, I like the action part of hunting.  One of the not so many reasons me and Dean get along so well, not just because we are siblings.

"I've got one." Sam tells us. That means he found a case. Me and Dean walk over. He is still eating his bacon.

"Where?" Dean asks with his mouth full of food.

"It's a town called Mystic Falls in Virginia. Apparently it's infested with vamps."

"That will take about a day to drive, so let's pack up and head that way." says Dean.

As I am packing a change of clothes I hear a knock on the door. Seems like Dean already opened it, it must be Cas. I finish packing everything, I almost forget my gun but remember it at the last second. I got my gun when I was 13, my dad gave it to me on one of my first hunts that he actually allowed me to come on.

       Anyways I head out to the main area where everyone else is and I hear Dean telling Cas that he can come too. We could use the extra protection.

"Good your here, you can come with." Dean says to Cas.

"Where exactly?"

"According to Sam there is a town in Virginia called Mystic Falls, and it's full of vampires." explained Dean.

   Cas agrees to come and we head to the garage, get into the Impala and start driving. I always sit in the back, most of the time with Cas. Sam and Dean sit in the front. Sam is older than me by 2 and a half minutes. Dean uses that excuse to take him on hunts and for him to go with him most of the time. But I think he's just trying to keep me safe.

We drive for about 15 hours, with breaks in between of course. But we finally arrive at the town Mystic Falls. Sam finds a motel we can stay at, we get our rooms. I always end up sharing a room with Cas. It's kinda weird because he doesn't sleep so he just sits there most of the night. I'm used to it now but at the beginning it was kinda creepy.

Anyway we got our rooms, we settled down and then we all met in Sam and Dean's room. Sam tells me I should go explore the town, maybe find a bar or something to hang out in, he wants me to try and get close to people to see if I can figure out who is a vampire and who's not. So I put on my tall black boots and a blouse with my jeans. I grab my bag and pack my machete, my gun, and some dead man's blood just in case.

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