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"Instead of getting a random person, we decided on someone who can be compelled but also would trust us with it. Your brothers have already drank vervain so they were out of the picture. Matt here just has a bracelet." He explains to me.

Matt takes his bracelet off and says, "Ready when you are."

"How do I do this?" I ask.

"Just look into his eyes and tell him to do something." Stefan tells me.

I look at him and tell him, "Go get me a drink."

He walks over to the table and pours me a drink. While he's doing that I look over the door and see Dean and Aspen coming in. I wonder where they went. When he comes back over here Stefan tells me to make him forget everything that just happened.

"Forget everything I just told you to do."

He snaps out of it and asks, "Did it work?"

"Guess that's a yes." Stefan says.

Stefan picks up his phone and dials a number.

"Who ya callin?' I ask.

"Bonnie." Who's Bonnie?

I'm guessing she answers because he says hi.

"Psst." I hear beside me. It's Matt.

"What?" I whisper back to him.

"If you want you can hear their conversation. Just listen."

I listen and I can hear them.

"Hey Bon." Stefan says.

"Hey, what's up?"

"We need that extra ring you made."

"Why? Do you have a new friend? Can we trust them?" She asks.

"Yes you can trust her. She's great."

"Oooo, she. I can tell that tone Stefan."

"Can you just get over here with the ring please." He says with a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a couple hours. I'm dealing with a coven of witches right now."

"Okay, thanks. See you."


She hangs up. I turn to Matt.

"Don't tell him I told you that. I don't know how much of that conversation he wanted you to hear." He whispered to me just as Stefan was turning around.

"Great. Well I have to go, Jermey wanted help with something." Matt said, directed at Stefan.

"Nice to meet you." He said to me this time.

I wave and he leaves.

"So we still need to work on your cravings, we've got your running and compulsion down. We just need that ring I asked Bonnie for." Stefan tells me.

"Great. When's she coming?" I ask, even though I already know.

"In a couple hours." He says.

"Till then we have to hang out here."

"When will I be able to see my brothers again?" I ask him.

"Not until you have your cravings under control, and you don't yet."

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