Moving in, With Cautions

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Dean says, " Well at least I don't have to deal with that stain."

I glare at him. Like seriously our motel just burned down and we could have died.

I look forward across the street and I stop. There's that guy again. He's staring at us. Not moving just staring. Did he do this?

"Kat, come on." Sam is right behind me and grabs my shoulder.

"What was it?" He asks me. What do I say?

"I think I know who did this. I can't tell you now." He just nods. I'm still looking in that direction and I see a familiar figure. I think it's Stefan. He walks up to the man and starts to talk to him. I want to know what they are saying. Wait, do they know each other? Was Stefan in on this too? I thought we made a deal.

The hotel burned down, where are we going to stay? I have an idea.

"I think I know where we can go. It will help with the case and it will give us somewhere to stay for the night." I tell them.

"I'm going to text Aspen." They don't question me.  They just stand there and watch me text her.


'So we got kicked out of our place.'

'We need a place to stay. I thought I would ask you because I know you have a big house.'

'Yeah, sure. It's no trouble.'

'Thank you so much.'

'Where can we meet you?'

'We can meet at the park.'

'Thank you again.'

'See you there.'

'See you there.'


"We are meeting Aspen at the park." I tell them.

"Cool, let's get going then." Dean sounds the tiniest bit annoyed.

When we pull up to the park in the car Aspen is standing there looking impressed.

"Hey, nice car. 1967 chevy Impala with a sweet 327 engine and a four barrel carburetor," Aspen says. Well she knows her cars. Dean will like this.

    "At Least she understands the importance of a car." Dean says impressed.

"Well, you can talk about cars after we get to her house." Sam says. He gets annoyed when Dean talks about cars.

"Right forgot you guys got kicked out of your place." Aspen said.

"Can we get this ground travel over with please." Cas said. Dude, you can't be saying that.

"What he means is, he doesn't like riding in cars. He would rather fly. He likes planes." I said. Trying to save our cover.

"Well you guys can follow me." Aspen said as she was getting in her car.

I hop in the Impala and so does everyone else. Me and Cas in the back, Sam and Dean in the front. Like always. Dean didn't give her anyspace, he was always right behind her. We follow her for about 10 minutes, we then reach her house. It's huge, it looks like a boarding house. Wonder how many rooms it has? I see her park her car beside two other cars. One a nice fancy light blue convertible and the other a red porsche. She has a purple  mustang. Aspen gets out of her car and signals us to follow. I got out first then the rest of them did.

"They have a nice house." Sam said as he was getting out of the car.

As we walk up to Aspen he says, "Wow, this is mid 1800's Victorian style home, and it's big."

Aspen just smiles at Sam. I heard her mumble under her breath something. But I couldn't hear her enough so hopefully it's not important.

We enter her home and it's beautiful on the inside. It's huge.

"So your rooms are to the right, Stefan's is upstairs, and Damon's and mine are on the left." Aspen told us.

"The kitchen is through the foyer on the left, and the library is on the right side of the foyer."

"Wow, again this is big. Like Sammy said." Dean said.

"Yeah." I say as I look around.

"And, Damon is my twin brother, and Stefan is the littlest," Aspen says and they wave. I can't help but stare at Stefan. I'm still wondering if he burnt the motel down, if he was part of that. We made a deal and he broke it.

I decided to introduce my brothers. "This is Dean, the oldest. Sam is my older twin, and Cas is our cousin." they all wave too.

Damon is kind of glaring at Dean. "If you dare touch my little sis, I'll rip your throat out. Figuratively." Ok then. This might be harder than I thought.

"Damon, stop being overprotective." Stefan said.

"Well, same for you then." Dean said.

"Well we should go set up our rooms, we will be back in a few minutes." Cas said.

I headed to my room and it was beautiful inside. I set my bag on my bed. I realized that it smelled like smoke. Great.

Why, of all places did Stefan have to be here. Of all people he had to be her brother. I unpack my clothes into the dresser that is in here. I accidentally drop my gun and it clunks on the metal latch on the floor. Crap! I hope no one heard that. I pick it up gently and place it at the bottom of the drawer. I hide my bag in the corner of the room under a sheet. I don't want them seeing what's in it.

I exit my room when I'm done and it looks like Sam is already out there. I go and stand beside him. Aspen is sitting on the couch across the room.

"So? You good?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I reply.

Damon walks in the room as Dean is also entering the room. Stefan is right behind Damon. Cas was right behind Dean. He's always with Dean, wherever he goes. Ever since he saved him from Hell.

"Did you guys get settled." Damon asked us.

"Yes." Dean says.

"Hey Stefan, can I talk to you in that room." Dean asks and points to the kitchen.

"Sure." They both walk over there. Why do I  have a feeling that this isn't going to just be a talk. Cas tries to follow Dean but Sam stops him.

The rest of us just stand there awkwardly.

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