[20]The Falling Veil

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Aspen got a phone call. She didn't tell me who it was, and she still won't. We have been walking down the same road for hours and personally I am getting bored of looking at the same trees for miles and miles. I proposed the idea that we speed run to wherever she is taking us, but she keeps telling me that we are saving our energy for something else.

Ever since I turned my humanity off I have become more and more impatient. I have thought mostly about how Sam and Dean reacted to this whole mess, but I don't care. I just needed something to think about. Wait Dean is dead, he doesn't even think anymore. I actually hope he stays dead. First of all because of the whole Billy deal, and he has told me and Sam multiple times that he should have stayed dead the first time. When he sold his soul to save Sam. He says that he wished Cas never brought him back, and he would have stayed dead because it would have been easier on everybody. It didn't make sense at the time but now it makes perfect sense. If he would have stayed dead we would have probably never come across this case. Even if we did I probably wouldn't have been turned because he wouldn't have been there to mess up the plan. So in all, I personally don't give a damn if my brother lives or dies, because I'm never going back.

Sam's point of view

    We finally stopped yelling at each other and have just been quiet for the past hour. I have been reading up on ways to bring back the dead but they all have risks about when you bring them back they aren't going to be the same. I need Dean to be the same.


Three hours have passed. I have not found any new ways to bring him back. I thought of something weird. This town is different. The vampires in this town aren't like the ones in the rest of the world. They have different abilities and different weaknesses. What if this town doesn't count like the rest of the world. Which wouldn't make much sense but I guess it would be possible. I have read something about there being this place somewhere in the states that was different so I'm guessing that this is it.

"Hey, do you guys know any witches?" I ask Stefan, who is the only one in the room with me.

"Yeah, a couple, why? Did you find something?"

"Yeah. This town isn't like the rest of the world. You already know that our kind of vampires are different from your kind. Which means that that deal we had with Death might not count over here."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you remember when Dean stabbed you with dead man's blood and it did nothing? Well technically dead man's blood is supposed to paralyze vampires."

"So our town is just like a weird anomaly?"

"Pretty much. Which is why I'm thinking that the magic and stuff that works everywhere else might not work here."

"Well, we can try," he says.

Dean's Point Of View

I have been sitting and pacing around this house for almost a day. It sucks. I hate being dead. Sam and Stefan are close to figuring something out. Sam had a good point with the whole Death thing not existing here, which would explain why Billie never answered me. If they are going to bring me back they are going to need a lot of power. They are going to need more than one witch. Stefan said he had witches but so do we. Come on Sam, call Rowena.


Here I am again looking at myself dead on the couch. There isn't much to do here being a ghost. I have to figure out how to do something to tell them I am here. I pace and pace trying to think of an idea until I hear a thump. Sam and Stefan heard it too because they went to look in the room it came from. I follow them.

"How did that fall?" Stefan picks up a vase and looks at Sam.

I walk over and around the corner. There isn't anyone there. I come back around the corner and I am knocked to the ground. I look up to see a man standing over me.

"Why are you here?" He almost yells in my face.

"Who are you?" I ask him which makes him look even more annoyed.

"I said, 'Why are you here?'"

"I died."

"Well you didn't die heere, so how are you here?"

"I guess I followed my body." I point towards the living room.

He glances around the corner and then at me.

"Well, I'm Mason and welcome to the veil."


Hi guys, It's Taya. I know thi chapter is short and I know I brought back someone cool, but me and Aspen have planned out till the end so I am going to be writing a lot in the next couple weeks. We planned a very good ending...

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