The bunker (25)

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When we arrive, we are all exhausted. We switched driving a couple times. We drove straight to Jody's. We didn't even have to knock, she had already opened the door when we pulled in.

"Thank you guys for coming." She says as we enter her house.

"Where's Claire?" I ask.

"In her room, you can go say hi."

Oh thank god. She isn't dead.

I walk to Claire's room and open her door slowly.



"I can guess why you're here."


"Well get yourself comfy, you'll probably be here a while."

I place my bag down beside her bed.

"What are you reading?"

She twists the book so I can see.

"Enochian, nice. This is the one Cas gave you right?"

"Yeah, I'm trying to learn it, so I can read it on hunts and stuff."

Suddenly Dean comes bursting into the room.

"Wrap up your girl chat, we found something."

Claire puts her book down and we go to the living room. Everyone is sitting around the coffee table with a laptop in the middle.

"We found video footage off a security camera. It's definitely a vampire."

I take a closer look. Something seems off.

"Rewind that a bit."

Sam rewinds it to the part right before they turn their head. When it happens I instantly know our problem. It's Aspen.

"She's right. It's Aspen." Sam says.

"We have a big problem."

Sam tries to explain to Jody and Claire the best he can about how she is a different vampire where she comes from. They understand it pretty well. We pack up our stuff and head down to the place where the camera was. Chances are if she found a good spot she'll stay there.

When we arrive we find out it's a bar. Of course it is. We needed disguises just in case she is here. For some reason we all chose the same one. Either a hat or a hood with sunglasses. What are the chances? We each sit in a different spot spread around the bar. Not even 5 minutes goes by until she comes to me. I knew she would come to me first.

"Really?" She says sarcastically.

"You thought I wouldn't be able to sense you, let alone your angel."

"No, I knew you would, that's why I have these." I turn to the side with my fast thing and lock the vervain handcuffs on her wrists.


I can see them slowly burning her skin. We didn't make them too powerful but powerful enough. We quickly get out of the building and get back in the car. Why is she doing this?

"Aspen, why are you here?" I ask.

"Just wanted to have some fun, why can't I do that?"

"Having fun isn't killing people."

"Come on. You had fun when you were with me."

I was hoping she wouldn't say that. I hate thinking about it. I hate thinking about all the people I have killed.

"No, I didn't."

She scoffs.

"Well we're going to take you back to your family and they are going to make sure you don't get out this time." Dean says. I guess they aren't a thing anymore.

"I should phone Stefan."

"Whoa, you took his number?" Here we go again, Dean the over protective brother.

"Yeah, you never know when we might need help, and plus I think I should warn him about this."

"There's something else." Cas says quickly. Come on man! Why did you have to say that?

"No, you are not going to be with him."

"Dean, first of all, I'm old enough, second, I'm a vampire, third, it's too late."

Sam laughs in the back seat. At least he supports me.


I won this battle.

I phoned Stefan and he was thankful we found her. They said they would meet us halfway so we didn't have to drive that far again. We met up, and said goodbye, again.

We drive, only an hour this time, back home. All the way back to Kansas. Back to the bunker, back to my own bed. It is going to feel so good to sleep normally again. When we pull up to the garage entrance there is a figure. Standing in the middle of the road. Why does it look so familiar?

Dean parks the car and un does his seatbelt.

"Dean, wait."

"I think I know this person."

"I doubt it."

He grabs his handle.

"I think she's right dean." Sam says.

"You guys are nuts."

He opens his door and steps out. This is a bad idea. I can feel it. If only Cas were here, he could have gone first. But he said he had some other business to attend to.

Dean walks closer to the person.

"Hey! Buddy! You need to move!"

The person turns around and I remember where they are from. It's that man from the motel, from when it was burning down. The one that Stefan was talking to. This isn't good. Sam realizes the same thing and we both jump out of the car, but we are too late. The man launches at Dean. He's a vampire. Like me.

He grabs Dean by the head and twists. Dean falls to the ground.

"Dean!" Sam yells and pulls out his gun.

No, not again. Not again.

My emotions are rising. This can not be happening.

Sam shoots five times but the man just stands there. Not phased by any of the bullets.

"I got this." I say. At least I'm a vampire, we can take this vampire to vampire.

I sped at him, but I didn't check all the possibilities.

I feel a sharp pain go into my chest. No, no, no, no, no. I instantly stop.

"Kat!" I hear Sam yell.

I look the man dead in the eyes. My legs give out and I fall to the ground. I hear more gunshots. I watch the man walk over to Sam and snap his neck too. I can't even scream. My whole family is gone, just like that. I can feel the coldness spreading through my body. Reaching every corner. Until there are none left.


so here's the deal, kat's side of the story is complete (thanks to @tayagibbon ). though i have not been ontop so mine will be a little slower, so please be patient. it feels rushed i know, but we were both running out of ideas and hitting alot of writer's block.

-Ki xoxo

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