Cristiano Ronaldo [~] Taken Baby

Start from the beginning

                "Here's a rough draft of the papers. We'll meet after you two are released from the hospital. I'll provide you with a lawyer, of course. We want this to be fair," she said. Two days later, you rocked your son in his basinet Cristiano had given you as you read through the contract.

                "Is there anything you would like added to this contract, Ms. (Y/L/N)? Do you have any questions?" Maria's lawyer asked you.

                "Just one thing," you sighed, exhausted, "there's no mention of me regaining parentage of Junior."

                "Of course, if you'll give us a minute, we will decide what those terms are," the lawyer said, following Maria out of the room.

                "You can always reject the terms and present ones of your own," your lawyer stated. You nodded and looked at your sleeping son. He was so precious. You were going to miss him. Maria and her lawyer returned. "Mrs. Aveiro's terms are as follows: you pay back Mrs. Aveiro the ten million dollars, with interest, provide proof of residence in a friendly neighborhood, and provide proof of white collar employment."

                You asked him to define friendly neighborhood and after the formalities were covered, help the pen to your son's future in your hand. With a shaking hand, you watched as you signature appeared on the dotted line, accompanied by tear marks. Placing the pen down, you pushed the document towards Maria's lawyer. A check was pushed towards you and Maria stood up. "Good luck with your life, (Y/N)," she stated before leaving with your son. The lawyers left soon after, leaving you alone in the room.

                Staring at the check, all you felt was sadness and loss. Your baby was no longer yours. It was for him, your son. You hoped he grew up well and that you would see him again, one day. After that day, you immediately sold your apartment, for a cheap price, and moved into the outskirts of Madrid. Quitting your job, you instead invested the money in a restaurant.

                Working tirelessly, you opened your store named Hijo Perdido for you son. Business was slow at first but it quickly increased as time wore on. You worked almost eighteen hour days, at the restaurant or bakery branch within the restaurant itself. You published two cookbooks and appeared on TV cooking shows. You bank account slowly rose, and every month you grew closer and closer to achieving the amount you owed Maria. Three years had passed when you finally achieved you goal. Quickly writing the check, you immediately called up a lawyer.

                Sitting patiently in a chair, you turned to glare at the woman that walked into the room. "Your lawyer contacted me," Maria stated, sitting beside her own lawyer. Without a word, you pushed the documents you had with you towards Maria. The first was your apartment contract, the second your restaurant certificate, and the third was a big check. "I see you have fulfilled the requirements."

                Your lawyer handed her the new contract, which gave you back your rights. "If you don't sign, we will take you to court," your lawyer, a friend you had met through your restaurant, stated.

                "That won't be necessary," Maria replied, signing the document after a look over it. "When would you like to see Junior?"

                "Now," you stated.

                "I'm afraid he's not here," Maria responded.

                "Then take me to him," you spat.

                "Very well," Maria conceded. Leading you to her car, you hopped in without looking at the woman. She drove silently to a large house outside Madrid. Typing in a password, the gates opened and she parked the car in the driveway. Getting out, you followed her to the front door. She opened it and started up the stairs. You followed cautiously, your small heels clicking on the staircase. She opened a door with JUNIOR written over it, and you gasped as you stared into the room.

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