Chapter fifteen || I can't trust you

Start from the beginning

I chase them until it's well past the boy's nap time, and we are all too wet to care. Even Lucy left us having something to do. Once I realize how late it's getting, and that I have a shift at Val's tonight we head inside to warm up. 

"I'll make some super." He heads the direction away from us. 

It's been so long since I was here last, still everything looks the same. Lucy's not one for change which is what I love about her. Giving the boys a bath, getting them into a change of clothes, and putting them down for a late nap. I'm finally able to take a shower myself. 

Letting the warm water wash over me I think about how lucky I am. Most people when told they have kids would run for the hills, not Nathan he stepped up like the amazing person he is. After today's events it's hard to believe I would ever have doubts. 

Yet I still do, I know Nathan didn't return home because he wanted to. He came home because of his injury so what happens when he's no longer hurt? Am I supposed to let him back in knowing there's a chance he might not stay? 

Turning the shower off, stepping out and wrapping a towel around me I realize I have no clothes to change into. Crap...Nathan told me he would wash, and dry my dirty clothes but what am I supposed to wear in the meantime? 

Opening the door I make my way to his room, to find him lying on the bed in nothing but shorts. Fuck I should have knocked first what if he had been naked? My cheeks redden I'm sure of it. "Um...I don't know what I'm supposed to wear." 

Nathan sits up looking me up and down. I half expect him to make so snarky comment about how I look good in what I'm currently wearing. Instead, he hops off the bed, and starts pulling clothes out of drawers. 

Looking around nothing has changed in here either; my cheeks go redder just thinking about that memory. "Here take these." He hands me some of his old clothes taking them, I head back into the bathroom to change. The clothes are a little big on me but I will manage. 

Opening the bathroom door, the smell of grilled chicken, and potatoes fills me making my stomach growl I guess I'm hungry. Making my way to the kitchen, Nathan is stirring a pot filled with noodles. While the gesture is nice he does remember I'm vegan right? "They look good on you." 

I pause, "what?" 

"The clothes they look way better on you than they ever did me." 

"That's not true! Also you do know I'm vegan right?" 

He doesn't face me as he replies, "you do remember I make the best vegan salad right?" 

"Oh, didn't have to." 

"I thought you might want something to eat before you leave." He says still stirring the pot. "Thank you." 

Finally, he turns to face me, and I have to bring my lips together to keep from laughing. Nathan is wearing one of Lucy's aprons that's pink and says best cook ever on the front. "Go ahead and laugh." He tells me rolling his eyes. 

"I wasn't going to laugh." 

"Don't lie you so were." He laughs which makes me laugh. 

"How could I not when you look like the prettiest grandma ever." 

Embarrassed he goes to take it off, I grab his arm shaking my head. "Don't I like it." 

He holds my gaze, and I don't let go of his arm. Chills wash over me, even when I refused to go out with him in college there was never this much tension between us. It's like we're two forces being pulled together by the universe. The timer for the chicken beeps, and I finally let go of his arm. 

What just happened? It's not that I couldn't let go of his arm, it's that I wouldn't. The feel of his muscles between my fingers felt too good, and memories started resurfacing making me forget why I was ever mad at him. 

It's not just that just that either recently I have noticed some changes in the way he acts towards me, but that was on a whole other level. A level of Nathan I'm not entirely sure I want to cross. He can't seriously still have feelings for me, can he? 

He takes the chicken out setting it on the table. "Should we wake the boys?" 

Shaking my head I say, "probably not. Last I checked they were sound asleep." We stay silent all throughout the meal, it's very good though I don't tell him so. The spark that was there moments ago, is now replaced by awkwardness. 

"Abby..." he finally says as we are washing the dishes. "Hum?" 

"There is something I have been meaning to—"

"Don't," I say cutting him off knowing exactly what he's going to say and I'm far from prepared. "Don't say it..." 


Giving my saddest face I reply with, "I know what you are going to say please...don't." 

"Why?" He asks turning to face me. 

I'm not sure why. No, I'm definitely sure. Looking into his eyes I see he's hurt, and it makes me feel bad. "Come on Abby just think about it." I am thinking it through and I know what my decision is and nothing he says will ever change it. "I am thinking about it." 

"Ok and...?" 

Does he really like me, is this what this is about or does he feel obligated to make things work because of the boys? He stands in front of me giving me a sad smile making it very hard to to do and say what needs to be done. "You already know what my answer will be." 


"BECAUSE I CAN'T TRUST YOU!" I suddenly say. He flinches from my words, and I see the hurt written all over his face. "I should probably go." 

He doesn't say anything just nods, he doesn't say anything as I grab the boys and leave either. It's ironic really because this time I'm the person who's running away from the problems. I just can't go through that again; I can't fall in love with him all over again just to have my heart broken again. 

Then why does it hurt walking away? The look on his face he does have feelings for me, and I just broke his heart. How am I any better than Nathan? He walked away and broke my heart, I refuse to let him back in and get my heart broken again causing us both even more pain.


😳🤭 well that was an interesting do you think this will affect things now? 

If you're enjoying my book All in the Game. Please click the star and share your thoughts in the comments. I will update chapters every Wednesday so be on the lookout.–Morgan 💕

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