Katara pursed her lips, refusing to admit that she was wrong, causing Sokka and Alura to laugh.

"Oh yeah so funny."

"A fire nation festival!"

After stopping, and some walking, they found a column that showed a large map.

Alura kept on her guard, always feeling that someone was watching their every move.

"This would be a great place for us to learn some firebending!"

Alura smiled slightly at her friend's words, "I can't wait to learn firebending."

"You might have to wait even longer." Sokka remarked from the other side of the column. "Come look at this."

They walked to the other side, seeing posters of wanted people.

"Hey it's a poster of me!"

"A wanted poster."

Alura furrowed her eyebrows, grabbing the poster of a girl that appeared somewhat like her.

"Is this supposed to be me?.." she stared down at the paper, Aang peaking from over her shoulder. "They made me look fat!"

Aang shook his head calmly, "Well I think it looks good."

Sokka put a hand on her shoulder, "Yeah Alura, besides they just drew it how you always look."

Alura stared blankly at the boy, dumbfounded at the realization. "Do I really look fat?"

Katara crossed her arms, "There's nothing wrong with fat people."

"Yeah I know," Alura bundled up the paper in her hands. "Except I can't be fat, my muscles wouldn't show!"

Sokka snorted, "Muscles? What muscles?!"

She glared at him before Aang stuck out his arm.

"Alura he was just messing with you, don't take it to heart."

Katara huffed, stealing the attention. "Regardless of anything, even how hungry we are, we should keep moving."

Alura sighed, subconsciously flexing her arm. "She's right, going here is just asking for disaster."

"But Alura we have to learn firebending eventually, what if this is the only chance we get?"

The avatar's persuasion caused the mentioned girl to look down, shaking her head.

Katara struggled between her logicality and morality, "Well, I guess we could go check it out."


Sokka's outburst echoed as he threw his hands to the side.

"You wanna march into a fire nation town when their all fired up with all their... You know, fire??"

"Well wear disguises and leave if there's trouble."

Katara's plan causes Aang to jump up in joy.

Sokka crossed his arm, his classic sneer forming. "Well Katara, believe it or not you don't get to make that decision, the avatar does."

"Well I already-"

"Not you Aang." He snapped, turning to the airbending girl.

She clenched her jaw at the eyes on her, silently debating it.

"Well I mean... The earlier the better I guess," she paused, gesturing. "Besides I trust Aang, and if we need to get out of there I'm sure we will."

Sokka gaped at her words as his sister pst his shoulder in smugness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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