Chapter 17

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The world was a beautiful place to live in. He enjoyed doing what he loved and wanted to do. He liked it when everything worked out the way he wanted. When they did not, he would pull all his efforts into making sure that they went his way. Many might say that they hated the world for what it had become. Truly, the shinobi world had become evil, but he did not care. He was fine with it, as long as the evil did not disturb him.

If the evil were to stand in his way, he would have a problem with it. He would not mind doing anything to wipe it away. But because it did not stand in the way of his goals, he did not care for it. He simply chose to ignore it and continue with his own life. His life and his goals were what mattered the most to him.

Konoha was truly peaceful when one looked it over from the Hokage Monument. During his younger days, the spot had been his favorite. It gave him a chance to enjoy some peace. Despite what other believed, he sometimes wished for quietness and some peace. He did not always have to enjoy the music of a ''dance''. Sometimes it was good to relax.

These days it was more of a must for him to relax as much as he could. Doing too much chakra related work was not going to be benefiting to his health. His body was not operating the way he wanted. It had some unwanted guests that were trying to destroy it. He would survive though. What he felt was nothing permanent. Sooner, rather than later, he would forget about his unwelcome guests.

For now, he had to mind his steps. He would avoid battle as much as he could, to preserve the health of his body. Outside, it may look perfectly well, but it was anything but that.

He hated not being in control of certain things concerning his life - it did not dwell with him, especially when there was little he could do to change things. He knew though, that it would not remain as it was. Soon, he would awaken and his body would be at its full capabilities.

Naruto looked at the streets of Konoha calmly. 'Soon,' he thought. He would be leading this village to greatness. First, he had to get rid of a few ''germs'' that were trying to stand in his way. Konoha was no threat to him. Not even the elders, and Root-they were mere children that he had dance around for his amusement.

In all her greatness, Konoha would be for him to lead. The Uchiha will rise again to power. Perhaps even Karin would attempt to restore the Uzumaki. He would like it if she did. However, the girl did not seem to be serious enough to think about restoring the Uzumaki clan. Well, at least she would have fuinjutsu by her side to show that she was indeed an Uzumaki.

His own fuinjutsu needed more work. He needed to work on complex things. He had allowed it to remain the way it was though. Madara had introduced him to the art before he even fully matured his Sharingan. How long has that been? Had he given it more time, he would have been a master of the art now. What was done, was done, he just had to make time.

Naruto looked at his right as he sensed a familiar chakra signature coming towards him. 'Kakashi,' he thought. He really should have just told the man he was in no need of friends or anything.

''The view is quite lovely from here,'' the one-eyed jounin started things of slowly. He was forgetting; Naruto was not the one to beat around the bush. If Naruto remembered correctly, a moment like this had occurred before. Back then, he had to tell the jounin to get to the point.

Although he refused to comment, he had to agree that the view was indeed lovely. But he did not come here for the nice view. He had no need for such things. He simply came here because it secluded him from everyone else.

Kakashi sighed and sat down beside Naruto. He put his book away, ''you know, you don't make things easy for anyone,'' the famed jounin stated looking down at his home.

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