Chapter 1

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Konohagakure no Sato, the hidden village in leaves. Outside the walls, the village looks peaceful. It seems so peaceful that travelers forget about their travels and decide to live within the village. The man who leads the village is also known to be a peaceful man.

But looks can be deceiving. If a person looks deeper within the shadows of Konoha, they won't see a peaceful village. The peace is just a mask, a veil that hides what is truly behind closed doors, the real Konoha. Within the shadows, Konoha is corrupt, from the leaders of the village to the civilians. Men and women inside the village breed nothing but hatred. They pass on hatred to their children as if it was a good thing. Children are taught to hate by their mothers at a young age, and their hatred is passed on like the flu. At night, when the kind-hearted rest, the breeds of hatred awaken and become the demons, they so despise. They lock away the love within their hearts, reserving it for those they believe to be worthy of it.

On the tenth of October, "The Kyuubi Festival," they all celebrate the defeat of the great demon fox, the Kyuubi. The Kyuubi, the beast that killed their loved ones, destroying their home on its rampage. Their beloved Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, defeated the great beast at the cost of his life. The death of their beloved Yondaime is another reason they hate the Kyuubi.

The tenth of October, the day that their hatred seems to gain new life even with their celebrations. It seems to speak to them to do evil things without pausing to think of their actions; it possesses them like demons. This day, they act on their hatred; they express their disgust in actions. On other days they just allow their hatred to grow inside their hearts, only expressing it in the form of hateful glares.

But on this day, they expressed their hatred in the form of beating the Kyuubi's Jinchūriki, the child whom the Kyuubi is sealed within. While some believe that by beating down the child, they're hurting the Kyuubi, others think that the child is the Kyuubi reborn into a human child without its power. A few of the villagers believe that the child is just a prisoner of the Kyuubi, not the Kyuubi itself. Those that think that the child is the Kyuubi believe that their beloved Yondaime Hokage stripped the Kyuubi of its power before sacrificing himself.

Uzumaki Naruto had short spiky blonde hair, blue eyes, and a white short-sleeved shirt with an Uzumaki swirl in the front, orange short pants, and blue shinobi sandals. He was the six-year-old Jinchūriki of the Kyuubi, a human sacrifice. But to popular belief, Uzumaki Naruto was not a Jinchūriki, no he was the Nine-Tails. At the moment, he was now running for his life, with fear that no six-year-old child should experience. Naruto wasn't aware of what was sealed inside of him. Nobody told had him anything; they just kept shouting at him, saying he killed their loved ones. He didn't understand why they thought he committed such acts since he hasn't done anything wrong.

It was only on his birthday that the angry mobs would chase him around the village and beat him within an inch of his life. But, he always recovered in a day or two, no matter how fatal the injuries he suffered were.

The other days they just stared at him with demonic eyes that made him feel unwanted, like an outcast, like he was some kind of disease. Their wicked eyes always weighed him down.

They suffocated him.

He used to cry at first because of the demonic eyes that always stared at him, but now he'd gotten used to them. He only cried when they beat him on his birthdays.

Whenever he asked his Jiji why he always got those eyes from the villagers, his Jiji would always say that people hate everything they didn't understand. The answer always confused him each time he heard it, but he never asked anything further as the Sandaime would talk about something else.

Running away from the angry mob was pointless. The villagers would always catch him no matter how fast his little feet ran, no matter where he hid. It was why he'd stopped running and simply waited for the pain to come. Today he would just receive the pain without asking questions. In the previous times when he asked questions, his questions seemed to infuriate them. They talked as if he knew what they accused him of. Even though he knew he didn't do anything wrong today, he would get beaten without saying anything or crying, for that matter. His tears always seem to energize them, giving them more strength to beat him. Today he was going to try something different.

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