Chapter 46

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Unknown Location

How long had it been since he last came to this hideout? This had been his beginning, this was the beginning of Uchiha Naruto. Madara had made him in this place, he had cooked him here. Not completely though, but his beginning started here. The man who called himself his superior had dragged him into this pit, told him the truth for his own good and purpose, yet didn't teach him how to deal with his emotions. The only thing that the man was concerned about was his goal, his dream. Did he care about him? Maybe a little.

It wasn't to say that Madara didn't care. He did care, it was just that nothing was going to stop him from reaching his goal, reaching the world he has dreamt of making so that he could live happily. The man had seen more than enough. His clansmen had died before his eyes, many people had died while fighting, for what exactly? You could never know. Worst of all, his beloved brother also died, he'd succumbed to the injuries he sustained while fighting the Nidaime.

Naruto released a long breath as he leaned back on the mud chair Madara's wrinkled behind used to sit on. His left elbow was pressed against the chair's armpit while the hand was placed on the left cheek, his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan shining within the dimly lit space.

His grandfather was probably laughing at him now, saying 'I told you so.' He was not going to rest effectively with these people trying to rid get rid of him. He had truly thought they would understand reason and a show of power, but they didn't understand anything, they didn't understand a damn thing. The kages who were attempting to fight him were fools who wanted nothing more than to affirm their positions as the strongest in the Elemental Nations.

Uchiha Naruto had knocked them down a few levels and they wanted to reclaim their glory. Konoha no longer served as the strongest because he had reduced it. The Imperial Rice Kingdom of Emperor Naruto has become the strongest in the Elemental Nations. There was no country that could say anything to him. There was none.

He had been patient with them and allowed them to walk with their heads held high while he minded his own business, but they didn't do that. They couldn't leave him alone. This was why he had to do things the hard way, this is why he must make them bow before him. He no longer cared for anything, but he would make opposing nations submit before the Emperor.

Hagoromo would say he knew it would come to this. But who cared what the sage thought? This was his time and he had given the world a chance to be itself, but it couldn't. They couldn't behave without him looking over their shoulders, and now he must do what must be done to get them to behave.

Naruto cast his left eye at the passage from the side as he felt footsteps coming along the way. He closed his eyes until the person appeared before the presence of his majesty. Once the footsteps had stopped just way from him, Naruto's eyes snapped open, still that dim blood red.

''Thinking something interesting, Naruto?'' Spiral Zetsu said, looking straight into the eye of the Emperor. It was a surprise to see the man here, but he wasn't complaining about anything.

''Interesting? No, just something a troubling,'' Naruto said. ''But that is Emperor, Spiral.''

''I thought you didn't care for such things? You wouldn't even care if your subordinates just call you Naruto,'' he wouldn't tell them to call him Naruto. But such things as titles didn't matter to the man as he wasn't glory seeking, he was just content with everyone knowing who was superior.

''I do now. If I'm going to be successful in my crusade, I must start acting like the emperor,'' Naruto said, a bit bemused by the thought of having everyone kneel before him when they enter the throne room. But it was something that needed to be done, he was going to be a commander.

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