Chapter 4: The Annoyance

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6 months later

Team 7, Naruto never felt at peace within the team. There was always someone watching over him, a pair of eyes that always stared at him. It annoyed him to no end. There were a few times that he had even thought of killing someone because of the constant watchful eyes that always tailed him like his own shadow. It felt like he was a criminal by being always watched. It was not just team 7, it was everywhere he went within the village, there was always someone watching him like a hawk. Konoha did not trust him; he was seen as a flight risk. Naruto figured that the council had taken notice of his 'transformation' and were not going to take any chances with him. It was clear that no one trusted him because he refused to tell them anything. Even when they had tried to force him to talk he still had no fears, they could not touch him.

The feeling he was having now was the same his grandfather felt when Konoha had been formed and Hashirama was made Hokage. His grandfather was not trusted they could never make him leader. Without the trust of the village even from a clan he led Madara was forced to defect from the village. It was now the same with him Konoha refused to trust him, because he kept things from it. He really hoped that it did not end the same way with him as it did with his grandfather. It would make his goals hard to achieve but not impossible.

His skills in taijutsu were not what they feared; no they feared the things he was hiding. They came to a conclusion that he was hiding his true strength. That conclusion made them even more suspicious of him. They could not understand why he would hide his true strength. They thought he was hiding his true strength because he was planning something. They could not believe that it was for the good of the village because if it was for the good of the village he would not have to hide it. That was what they thought; Naruto had not intentions of doing harming the village in any way. His grandfather had founded the village along with Hashirama; his grandfather was the one to have named the village. It was only fair that he inherited it since it was founded by his grandfather. He could not go around destroying things that his grandfather had built.

Despite the constant watch he was under Naruto had no fears of his secrets ever being discovered by someone. The only reason Naruto did not have any fears was because he knew that they would never find anything from him unless he was careless. But with the constant watch he could not train anywhere or do anything 'private' outside of his own apartment. His apartment was the only place that gave him the privacy he needed. But he was sure of it sooner or later they would bypass his security seals. He was by no means a seal master, the security seals are what he had been taught by his grandfather. They were not perfect but they did their job. He could converse with Zetsu and even at times leave a clone while he goes away to the hideout to train.

With team 7, he had to worry about Kakashi who always had his eyes on him. Even when they were on missions the jonin paid too much attention on him than his other students. Kakashi was taking his job seriously than Naruto had thought the jonin would. He never made the mistake of leaving Naruto alone, no if he was going somewhere and it was during team 7 activities the jonin would leave a shadow clone to with Naruto. But the jonin was friendly and valued his team as part of his family. This values made Naruto question why Kakashi would choose to spy on one of his comrades. When the Sandaime had told him to spy on Naruto kakashi spied but not as seriously as he was doing now. Naruto thought that the council had taken part I that change. The fools were capable of anything, especially Danzo and the two advisors. If there were people to kill it would be three elders.

There was also Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura. The two just annoyed him to no end. Sasuke was obsessed with fighting with him. Every time he got the chance to demand that Naruto fight him he would take it. Naruto never fought with the young Uchiha. He always refused to fight the Uchiha. Naruto hated fighting pointless battles. There was nothing he would gain from fighting the Uchiha. Despite his love for a good fight Sasuke was not worth his time. His refusals always infuriated Sasuke and he would always attempt to hit Naruto whenever he was not looking. Naruto had better reflexes and would always dodge the attacks without hitting the young Uchiha back.

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