4: Start of preparation

Start from the beginning

“Awe! Don't be so rude. It makes me feel like we don't have some history!” Karma devilishly said.

“It's weird hearing that coming from your mouth, Karma!” Fuwa said, trying to stop herself to laugh.

“Agree!” Kayano said, and everyone laughed. Katsuki was embarrassed, but attempted to hide it. But Karma is just as shameless as he was and laugh with them.

“Follow me after wearing this, so you could go inside!” Aizawa tiredly said and gave them a pass. Isogai immediately took the pass and distribute it to everyone.

“Same Yuma as always!” Kataoka fondly said.

“Indeed!” Kurahashi reply with the same fond tone. All of them really missed this kind of environment. All of them, together again, is kind of… Nostalgia.

Nakamura and Karma started to tease Katsuki who really looking embarrass as the two could poke his weakness. Good thing is Nagisa and Isogai were there to control the two who wanted to start another chaos. They ride a bus after they went inside.

“I ask for Nezu-sensei to put our dorms far from main building and dorms, so we could practice using C4s and bombs. Dad and Irina-sensei will be here to help!” Izuku said, which makes sense to everyone.

“Was that against the rules? I mean, it will be unfair that adult will help us!” Kanzaki meekly ask.

“It said in the rules. Any parties were forbidden to ask for UA teachers help for the test,” Izuku said and grin.

“That's the loophole!” Karma grin and everyone looked to him.

“First loophole, we can ask teachers or adult who is not a UA Teacher. Second, we could still ask for the UA teachers to help, just don't tell them you wanted their help for the test. Meaning, we could just create some excuses to ask help to them without mentioning the test!” Karma explain and everyone grinned. Aizawa just chuckle and confirm that they can do that.

“We'll read the rules later. And we also have some objectives, right? How bad it was?” Isogai ask.

"Tsk! I'm sure it wasn't bad. It might be in boarder line of villainous deeds. I'm sure the brain squad will find a way to twist those!” Terasaka said casually without saying it in arrogant tone. It's like he trusted their set of skills but also didn't overestimate it.

“Right! We have Karma, Kotaru, Rio, Nagisa, Izuku, Manami and Horibe. As the brain squad. And most of us had numerous skills too. The best way we can is not to underestimate or overestimate them. Ritsu!” Sugino said and Ritsu appear to his phone.

“Yes, Tomohito-kun?” Ritsu ask with a smile.

“Did you have our opponents' information?” He asks and Ritsu nodded.

“It was already compiled by Katsuki-kun in his laptop. Complete information with Izuku's analysis!” Ritsu reply.

“That's too Convenient!” Taisei said grinning.

“The dorm is still a bit of a mess after the things we need arrive yesterday… And I listed all of them,” Izuku sheeply said.

“It's fine, we will just clean it after we arrive."

They reach their dorm, and certainly, it was bigger than the dorms they passed by. It still looks like the other dorms. But for them, who was trained to observed and calculate even the slightest difference of things. Their dorm is bigger than the others. It was also a bit secluded since they passed a forest. Some of them reminisce how secluded they are in Kunogigaoka Junior High.

“Izuku?” Nagisa went to Izuku as he gets his attention.

“Yes, Nagisa-kun?” He asked.

“Did you pay some money to create this?” Nagisa accusingly ask. Izuku just smile and nodded.

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