On the Right Tack

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Embry sat staring at the coffee table as voices roared around him. In the time it had taken him to drive back, he had called Freja's grandparents, briefly informing them of what happened and to expect the packs. He then drove like a maniac, not even stopping to properly check out from the cabin. He would deal with that later.

But now that he was here and had explained what happened, it seemed no one could figure out what to do next. He glanced around, the feeling of helplessness washing over him again.

Who was he kidding? They couldn't track Freja through the ocean and they had no idea where they had taken her. If they had gone back to the clan, it was far off, somewhere in the middle of the ocean, too deep for them to even dive to. If only there was a way to get in touch with someone else in the clan, or Freja's mother. Maybe then they would stand a chance in finding her.

"Hey, we'll get her back," Quil said softly, patting Embry on the back. He looked over at his best friend and then over at her grandparents, both of them wearing the same defeated look.

They understood just how impossible it was going to be. But it seemed that no one in the packs had realized just yet.

"We can go back to the cabin and try to get a trail," Seth said.

"Did you forget the part where they dragged her into the ocean?" Jared asked, frowning at him. "How the hell do you expect us to track them through the ocean?"

Ah, it seemed someone else had finally realized the impossible task before them.

"I don't know. A boat?" Seth said, frowning at him. "It's better than just giving up."

"And what if they're keeping her underwater somewhere?" Paul's voice sounded from Sam's cellphone. He was currently driving in from Seattle and was on loudspeaker.

Embry wasn't sure if it was necessary, but apparently Sam had called in everyone. Even Leah was on her way from Portland, according to Jacob. Looking around the room, Embry started to wonder just what the whole point was to anything. Even though they were strong and had numbers, they couldn't fight underwater. Maybe if they could find a way to draw them out on land, they might have a chance.

Or maybe they should have called the Cullens. They could stay underwater since they didn't need to breath. Embry wasn't sure if they'd be able to track someone through water, but at least they had an option if the chance came to fight. He should say something.

"Look, we're not going to figure anything out if we keep yelling at each other," Sam said sternly. He looked over to Astrid and Oscar. "Is there anything else you can tell us?"

The elderly couple looked at each other a few moments before Astrid looked back at the wolf packs.

"We know where the clan was located, but it was decades ago. They could have moved," Astrid said. "And it is hard to get to. Located in depths far too deep for a normal human to dive. They like to stay hidden."

"What about getting in contact with someone?" Jacob then asked. Embry snorted, earning a few looks of irritation, though Oscar and Astrid only gave him looks of sympathy.

"We cannot," Oscar said. "We have lost our true forms. We cannot transform. Which means we cannot go find anyone or communicate with them. Not to mention, we were exiled. If we went back to the clan, Michael very well could kill us."

"What can you tell us about how they fight?" Jared asked.

"Underwater in our true forms, we are strong. On land, still strong, but not as good at fighting," Oscar replied. "We are more used to fighting under the water, so if you could draw them on land, it would be better."

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