Make Waves

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Embry pulled up in front of Freja's house the next week and hopped out of his truck, a bounce in his step. The rocking chair just needed to be varnished and then it would be finished. He was eager to give it to Freja and see her reaction. At the moment, he felt like it was probably the best thing he had ever made. A small bit of pride filled his chest everytime he looked at it.

This was then usually always followed by picturing Freja in it, her legs tucked up under her as she read.

But more than that, Embry was eager to tell Freja about his plan for the weekend. A nice little bungalow down the coast a bit that had a scenic view and was rather isolated. There they would have the privacy that they were both craving of late.

"Oscar? Astrid? Freja?" he called out as he walked in. He stopped for a moment to take his coat off and hang it up, hearing footsteps on the stairs.

He turned just in time to catch Freja as she jumped into his arms and kissed him.

"Someone's happy to see me," he replied with a smile as he set her back down on the ground.

Freja just grinned and then turned, leading him back up to her room.

"Had a good day. Sold a few more instruments than usual and Papa and I are nearly finished with the piano," she said brightly, glancing back at him. "You?"

"Pretty good as well," he replied. "Sold a few more of my pieces and, well, the chair is nearly finished."

They had reached her room by then and Freja stopped, turning to him as excitement lit up her eyes, blue starting to take prominence over the other colors, and a grin filled her face.

God, he couldn't get enough of that smile.

"Really?" she asked. He nodded.

"Should be ready by this weekend," he replied. He then glanced around, realizing for the first time that the rest of the house was rather quiet. "Where are your grandparents?"

A mischievous glint came into Freja's eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck, the blue becoming brighter.

"Well... they stayed late at the shop to finish up some paperwork and plan to get dinner at the diner in town afterwards," she said casually. Embry's eyes widened slightly as he glanced around.

They were finally, completely, alone.

He gulped. While he knew he was ready for this - hell, he had even been making plans for them to go away for the weekend just so they could be alone - he hadn't expected it this soon. Though now that the idea was planted in his mind, he could already feel a buzzing begin to spread throughout his body, though he was silently urging himself to stay focused.

Damn hormones.

"So, I say we have at least three hours or so before we have to worry about them coming back," Freja continued, now playing with the hair at the back of his neck. A shiver ran down his spine.

"Is that so?" he asked, surprised at how calm his voice sounded. Freja nodded. "Did you plan this?" Freja just shrugged.

"I mean, I might have suggested that I could feed myself if they wanted to grab a bite in Forks after they finished the paperwork," she replied, her face the picture of innocence. "But staying late at the shop was a complete coincidence."

Embry found himself chuckling as he shook his head.

"And here I was hoping to whisk you away to this little place I found down the coast for the weekend," he replied.

"Oh, we can definitely still do that," she replied. "But I thought... why waste a perfectly good opportunity?"

With more strength than Embry thought she had, Freja spun him around and then pushed him onto her bed, quickly crawling up on him. As she looked down at him, Embry decided to forget about his plans - Quil was right. Just go with it.

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