Rock the Boat

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Warning! So, there are no sex scenes in this story, but things do get a bit heated in this chapter. And well... awkwardly cute...

Embry smiled half-heartedly at whatever joke Quil had just made, though truthfully his mind was elsewhere as he glanced out the window. It was a slow day at the shop that had him not only counting down the minutes until he could leave, but his thoughts wandering to places they shouldn't go.

Namely Freja and their - now many - heated makeout sessions.

The second Embry's thoughts turned in that direction, his heart rate increased as a now familiar buzzing ran throughout his body. In the week that Freja had been back, he spent nearly all his free time with her, the two quickly picking up where they left off.

And then some.

Freja had apparently returned with a boldness she hadn't had before, which on the one hand, Embry rather enjoyed. On the other, it seemed to come at inopportune moments.

Not to mention the fact that Freja was still a virgin. Or well, they hadn't actually talked much about that subject, but from what he knew about her, he highly doubted she had gone off and experimented with any guys while being terrified that she might accidentally kill them. He didn't mind this - he was actually rather neutral on it, finding it neither a turn off or turn on. But there was a lingering anxiety when he thought about it too much. For some reason, he hadn't really given the physical side of their relationship much thought before - being too worried that she was about to die while going through The Change.

But now, for some annoying and frustrating reason, it was all he could think about.

Didn't most girls want their first time to be special? What if he screwed it all up? What if she was upset to find out that he wasn't a virgin? Or what if it made her feel extra self-conscious, knowing he had more experience than she did?

Freja knew he had girlfriends before her, but did she understand that also meant that he had had sex too? He hadn't really planned his first time - it just happened. But what if Freja wanted something more than that?

Not to mention, this was the first time he would be sleeping with someone he loved. That meant something a lot more than the couple of hook-ups he had had in the past.

Sighing, Embry shook his head, not quite sure just why this was turning into a big deal in his mind. They were both adults. Adults who loved each other. But also adults who unfortunately both lived with their guardians, making it rather inconvenient when things did get a bit hotter. They were never truly alone at her house or the music shop. And he hadn't introduced her to his mom yet, so the thought of taking her to his place was a bit daunting. He wasn't so keen on the beach either, which would definitely have sand in places he didn't care to get, not to mention it was winter.

But at the same time, it wasn't as though he didn't want to take that next step. And from the way she had been acting lately, he was fairly sure that she did as well. Or at least he thought so. Christ, what if she didn't and he made the wrong move?

This was beyond frustrating. In more ways than one. Even just thinking about Freja was starting to get him worked up. He needed to get himself under control. He was at work, for crying out loud.

About then, something hard smacked into his head and then bounced off, falling onto the ground.

"What the fuck, Quil?" he growled, turning to his best friend, watching as he laughed hysterically while Jacob rolled his eyes.

"It's your own fault. Been asking you the same question the last three minutes but you're over there in Neverland," Quil replied.

"Oh, what was it?" Embry asked, rubbing his head slightly.

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