Batten Down the Hatches

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Embry stood just outside the shop staring at the sign that read "Siren's Call" a few moments, building up the courage to walk in. It took him a couple days since he told the pack about the imprint to get this far. He had never been as easy-going about girls as Quil or even Jacob, though he had spent far too much time mooning over Bella Swan in high school in Embry's opinion, and then forgot about them completely once he imprinted. But of the three, Embry was definitely the quietest and shyest when it came to the opposite sex. The only reason he had more experience dating than either Quil or Jacob was solely because they had both imprinted so young.

But this wasn't flirting with some random girl in between class or while out with the guys. This was his imprint. And a rejection from her would be far more painful - quite literally - than any of the others. On top of that, Embry had literally no clue where he stood with her considering how she had rushed off the first time they met. No amount of encouragement or reassurance from Quil or Jacob would stop the thumping of his heart and the anxiety coursing through him as he took a step forward and then started up the three steps that led to the entrance.

There were various nautical and mermaid signs and paraphernalia decorating the front, which he thought was interesting, though a bit kitschy. Though he supposed it was fitting - weren't there old fishermen tales about mermaids enchanting sailors by singing and pulling them under the water where they drowned? He couldn't recall at the moment, old wives' tales being the least of his worries right now. Pushing the door open, Embry heard a chime and then stopped, taking everything in.

The shop wasn't very large, but still managed to have a large collection of various instruments on display. On one wall, there were cubbies with boxes of reeds and other instrument parts. An old upright piano was up against the opposite wall next to a display of guitars. The smell of wood and resin permeated the space.

"Can I help you?" a slightly accented, but friendly voice said.

Embry looked forward, seeing an older woman with gray hair in a braid wrapped around her head gracefully walking towards him, a warm smile on her face. He felt a bit disappointed it wasn't Freja, but pushed it aside as he smiled in return and quickly refocused on his objective. Get information on Freja.

"Yea, I'm looking for a guitar," he said easily.

"Ah, well, you're in luck. We do have a few of those," the woman replied with a chuckle. "Is there a particular brand or type?"

She led him over to a wall where a surprising amount of guitars were up on display. Embry's eyes widened slightly. He had come up with the guitar thing on the drive over and obviously did not plan well enough, not realizing there were so many types to choose from.

"Perhaps if you told me acoustic or electric, we can start there," the woman said, a twinkle in her eye, no doubt catching onto the look of slight terror in his eyes. "And perhaps a price range..."

"Ah, right... a... acoustic," he said, still staring at the guitars while he frantically came up with some sort of budget. Shit. Embry knew he should have better prepared for this. He had no idea how much a guitar - new or used - cost.

Taking a deep breath, he could feel a bit of the anxiety fade away. Through the imprint he could sense that she must be here... somewhere. As the old woman started through an explanation of a few different guitars, he glanced around the shop, noticing a door just behind the counter. He wondered where it led and if perhaps Freja was back there.

She had to be back there. He could feel it. But how did he get back there?


Embry jumped slightly, now realizing that he had completely zoned out on whatever she had been saying. The woman held out a guitar to him, an expectant expression on her face. He took it, for a moment wondering what he was meant to do before quickly taking it from her hands, sliding the strap over his shoulder and looking down at it a bit dumbfoundedly. It was a bit beat up, but still in relatively good shape. At least he thought it was. Embry knew absolutely nothing about guitars.

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