A Shot Across the Bow

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Embry glanced over at Freja, seeing a soft smile on her face as she leaned against the window of his truck, watching the scenery pass by. A few weeks had passed with no word or sight of Sven and he was starting to hope that maybe that would be the end of it.

They had been doing patrols along the coast every night with no scent or sign of anyone hanging around, though he supposed if they stayed in the water they probably wouldn't have been able to notice. But he felt better knowing that no one had come ashore.

And he couldn't help but feel happy that finally they were getting the chance to get away on their trip. While he wanted to go right after Sven left, they all thought it better to wait and make sure thing were safe before they went off somewhere. But once he got the go-ahead, he had immediately began planning. Excitement had settled into his stomach last night as he finished packing, making it slightly difficult for him to fall asleep. He had then suffered through work all day, causing Gramps to let him go a bit early, knowing how badly Embry wanted to set out for the weekend.

Of course, there was also the so-called main event of the trip that had Embry nervous, excited and in general buzzing with an unceasing energy, even though he was driving. He was glad that Freja couldn't see the fact that his left foot was tapping non-stop.

But, he was pretty sure it had been on Freja's mind as well with how she had nearly pounced on him as soon as she opened the door when he went to pick her up. Then she had grabbed her stuff - which had been on the floor next to the front door - and nearly shoved him out of the house, not really giving him anytime to say anything to her grandparents.

But at least now they were well on their way, neither saying too much of anything as they listened to the radio. Embry was focused on the road, though he struggled to keep his mind from wandering to finally arriving at the cabin. Or wondering what Freja was thinking about.

"So, Sam suggested this place?" she asked breezily, glancing over at him. Embry nodded, his eyes fixed on the road.

"Yea, apparently they aren't super busy this time of year so it was easy to get a reservation," he replied. "Not a lot of people want cabins in the winter, I guess."

"I don't know about you, but I'm ready for winter to be over," Freja said with a sigh. Embry chuckled, glancing over at her.

"You've grown up here. You know how long winter lasts," he replied. "And what it's like."

"Yea, but doesn't mean I enjoy it," she said. "Or, well, no. That's not true. I like it well enough. Just ready to get back to summer. When it's not too wet to spend all my time on the beach."

"You and the beach," Embry said with a chuckle. Freja looked over at him and smacked him lightly on the arm. "I know, I know. That's why I got a cabin near the beach so you can see the ocean."

"Really?" Freja asked, her eyes lighting up. Embry nodded, glancing at her and then turning back to the road.

"We're almost there."


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