Fate's Call

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The workshop was empty as the shop had long ago closed, but Embry was still there working on a rocking chair. It was a labor of love - he had been working on it off and on for a few months now, always finding something that needed to be improved or changed, often taking it apart and putting it back together. Or something else to add. It was the first time he had taken on such a project and wasn't even sure why he felt inclined to make a rocking chair. He wasn't even sure if he planned to sell it. Everytime he looked at it and thought about someone buying it, his heart clenched as though he couldn't stand to let it go.

But then again, he knew it was slightly ridiculous of him to be attached to a piece of furniture. When it was finished, it would go out with all the other pieces and be sold. Probably to some couple expecting a baby.

Music played softly in the background as he sanded down one of the arms. His eyes drifted over it, thinking that something was missing. Perhaps it needed a carving. Yea, that's what was missing. The top of the chair would be a good spot. But what to carve?

His mind drifted back a couple days ago in Forks, when he had smelled the ocean. Perhaps some sort of seascape would be fitting. Something with the rolling waves. Wait? Where did that come from? Even though he was sure that Quil had been right and he smelled some sort of random fisherman, over the past couple of days, he found that he couldn't get the scent out of his mind.

And something inside him was yearning to find it again. Felt as though he needed to. He had been antsier than usual, though Embry was unsure just why. He wasn't sure if it was just how he had been lately, or if it meant something else. Something more.

"Embry, you still here, son?"

Embry stopped and straightened up, watching as Quil Ateara III walked back into the workshop, a warm smile on his weathered face as he took in the chair.

"Figured I'd find you back here. Still not finished?" he asked, stepping up to closely inspect the rocking chair. Embry shook his head, studying it as well.

"It's missing something. Thinking it needs a carving," he said. The old man nodded in agreement.

"It's turning out well, though," the older man said, straightening up to look over at him. Embry just shrugged. "Rocking chairs are hard to get the balance right, but you seem to have gotten that down well."

It was hardly a work of art, in Embry's mind. While Gramps would often compliment Embry on his work - and he took each compliment with pride - he still felt like it was more a hobby than anything. Working at the shop just afforded him more time and access to the tools he needed as the older Ateara taught him everything he knew about making and repairing furniture. Embry felt he was still nowhere near Gramps' level. Maybe he could be someday. Maybe he could be happy doing this for the rest of his life.

Part of him thought that wouldn't be so bad.

"I'm serious, Embry. You have a real talent for this. That bench you made? Sold it for a good price today," Gramps continued. "They seemed real happy with it."

Embry glanced at him and couldn't help but smile slightly. It did feel good when one of his pieces sold.

"You know, you'll always have a place working here," Gramps continued.

Embry sighed, frowning slightly, wondering if Quil had said something to his grandfather.

It wasn't that he didn't enjoy working at the shop - he liked it a lot, actually. But the fact that Quil's grandfather had given it to him out of some sort of penance for all the years Quil Ateara IV ignored Embry and his mother left a slightly bitter taste in his mouth. While Embry felt like he was doing his best to carry his own weight at the shop now, learning more and taking on more responsibility, it still didn't change how he had gotten the job in the first place.

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