Sink or Swim

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Embry and Freja sat in the cab of his truck a bit longer after he turned it off, the two staring at the front of Jared's house where he assumed everyone in the packs were waiting on them.

He looked over at Freja, seeing some of the color had drained from her face.

"You know they already like you," he said, reaching over to take her hand. Freja looked down at their intertwined fingers.

"But that was before..." she said, her brow furrowed.

He knew she was afraid. Freja had just spent her whole life hiding what she was, making sure that no one found out. And now in a span of 24 hours, a whole lot of people were finding out - himself included.

Embry pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the top of her head. Part of him was elated he could do this now. After yesterday, everything had changed. While they had flirted before, now it was as though she had ripped down all the walls around her.

"They'll still like you afterwards," he said. "And you're my imprint. They can't do anything to hurt you, even if they wanted to."

Freja looked up at him, her brow still furrowed.

"They would hurt me? Why would they hurt me?" she asked frantically.

"They won't, I mean... Kind of a law with us... imprintees now fall under pack protection. And no one can harm you. They have to protect you now, too," he said, smiling encouragingly.

Shit, he hadn't meant to frighten her more.

"How did you find this out?" she asked.

Embry sighed and let go of her, moving to get out of the truck.

"I mean, we've always known, but... that's a story for another time," he replied, thinking about Renesmee and Jacob. That was definitely not something to start getting into right now. Besides, it wasn't really his story to tell. "But trust me... they'll still accept you. I know."

Freja didn't say anything as she walked around the front of the truck and immediately took his hand again as soon as she neared him, a determined look coming over her face as they walked up to the front door. Already he could hear voices and laughter coming from inside.

"I can do this," he heard her murmur under her breath, causing him to chuckle slightly.

"No turning back now," he said, pushing the front door open.

Silence fell over the living room as they stepped in, everyone in the pack there, including Leah. Embry's eyes widened slightly to see her, but then figured someone must have called and told her it was important. Even all the imprintees were present, save Nessie, which wasn't surprising considering how protective Edward still was about her. Embry figured that was likely for the best. There was probably only so much Freja could handle at the moment. But then again, maybe the two of them would find something to bond over - the fact they were both half human, half something else entirely.

"So you gathered us all here together to tell us that you're finally together?" Seth shouted out, a grin on his face.

Embry looked down at Freja, seeing the concern starting to come back into her eyes.

"It's... a bit more than that," he said before looking back at the group.

"We're all ears," Jacob said, his voice serious, but Embry could see the twinkle in his eyes.

"Right... then I guess it's best to jump in," Embry said.

He looked back down at Freja, nodding to her encouragingly. She took a deep breath and then launched into her story - not leaving anything out. He stepped in every so often to fill in his side of things. Apparently, she had spent last night and today going over how she would tell them, and it came out much smoother than yesterday.

Siren's Callजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें