Plain Sailing

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Embry straightened his shirt as he walked up to Freja's front door, suddenly feeling rather nervous though he knew there was no reason to be. This was his imprint. And in the days since everything had come out, he felt closer and more connected to her, comfortable now that she wouldn't reject him.

But still. It was their first date. And he was still intimidated by her grandparents.

He walked up to the door and cleared his throat, then knocked, waiting. Thankfully, Oscar opened it, a wide grin on his face.

"Ah, Embry," he said, pulling him into a hug. Embry's eyes widened in shock, but before he could do anything, the older man had stepped back and was motioning him inside.

Embry walked in and looked around the large, open living room, finally taking in the many photographs that were up and finding it rather cozy.

"She will be down in a moment. Please, have a seat," Oscar said, motioning to the sofa. Embry nodded and walked over, sitting down and trying not to jiggle his leg. "There is no need to be nervous."

Embry felt his cheeks heat up as he looked over, seeing that Astrid had walked into the room. She stayed on the other side, regarding him with a serious look on her face, though at least she didn't look outright angry this time.

"It's nice to see you, Mrs. Larssen," he said, jumping to his feet. She looked him up and down.

"Not too late," she said.

"MorMor," a voice chided.

Embry looked over, finding his breath catching in his throat. It was a simple blue cotton dress with white flowers on it, but he thought Freja looked amazing, her long hair in an intricate braid that went over her shoulder.

She stopped, her eyes widening slightly as she looked at him. She then looked away, reaching for a cardigan that she pulled on as her cheeks turned pink and started looking around for something.

"It'll be fine, Astrid. Let the young people have some fun," Oscar chided. The older woman frowned at him.

But then her expression softened when she looked at Freja, finding that she had a hopeful look on her face. She sighed and hugged Freja.

"Just... be careful," she said, looking over at Embry.

"Of course, ma'am," Embry said quickly.

Freja then slung a purse over her shoulder and walked over to him.

"Ready?" she asked. He only nodded and led her to the door.

He didn't look, but was sure that both of her grandparents were watching them from the window as he walked over and held the truck door open and then helped Freja in. He then quickly ran around and hopped into the driver's side, starting it up and pulling out.

"So..." Freja started shyly, glancing at him. "Where are we going?"

"Though we could go to Port Angeles," he replied. "Seeing as there's not so much around here."

"Sounds good," Freja said, now looking out the window, playing with the hem of her cardigan nervously.

Embry felt his heart speed up and his hands getting a bit sweaty, though he then shook his head. He was being ridiculous. They weren't in high school. And they were imprints. There was no need to be so nervous. Right?

"How was your day?" he asked, glancing over at her as he drove, suddenly feeling like Port Angeles was an incredibly long drive. What if he couldn't fill the silence? He heard Freja take a slow, deep breath and let it out before she laughed softly.

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