Restless as the Sea

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Embry pulled up outside the store in Forks and turned off the truck, glancing over at his best friend Quil.

"We should stop and get lunch before we go back," Quil said as he got out on his side. "Take a long lunch. We've earned it."

"Didn't we take a long lunch yesterday? And the day before that?" Embry asked with a chuckle as he met Quil at the back of the truck.

"We can never take too many long lunches," Quil shot back amicably. "Like you think Gramps is going to fire us?" Embry snorted.

"He might. Once he realizes he's got a lazy-ass bum for a grandson," Embry shot back with a smirk. Quil only rolled his eyes.

Embry knew Quil had a point - there was hardly anything either one of them could do to get fired from Gramps' custom woodwork and furniture repair shop. But at the same time, Embry already struggled enough with feeling like the job had been a handout. And he had always naturally been more responsible than Quil, often acting as the voice of reason over the years whenever he attempted to talk him and their other best friend Jacob Black into some sort of hairbrained scheme.

"Besides, I've got a few pieces that I'm working on that I should finish up," Embry said, half-heartedly trying to talk Quil into going straight back as they started to unload the cabinet they were delivering.

Granted at this point, from the grin Quil was shooting him, Embry knew he was fighting a losing battle.

"Yea, but you could use a break," Quil countered. "It's decided. We'll stop by Lou's before going back." Embry rolled his eyes.

He supposed that the last six years or so with absolutely no supernatural events of any sort could have something to do with Quil's attitude - he was bored. The whole pack was a bit bored and restless, to be honest. Since the mini vampire convention surrounding the Cullens and Renesemee, life had gone back to normal in Forks and La Push.

For the most part, Embry had welcomed normal and boring. But as more time passed, he couldn't help but feel a growing restlessness.

There was no longer a need for patrols with the only vampires in the area the Cullens, though at least they were still phasing. Embry, Quil and Jacob took to shifting for runs a few times a week just to let off a bit of pent off energy. Some of the other guys would join them from time to time, but for the most part, they were all busy with their own lives.

Sam had his shop and was now focused on the family he and Emily were building. Jacob spent most of his free time when he wasn't working at the garage up at the Cullens. Paul had moved to Seattle with Rachel, though they were currently back to visit. Jared was working at Sam's garage as well and he and Kim had married a couple years ago and settled down in La Push. Seth, Brady and Colin were all attending Port Angeles Community College and lived there during the week but came back on weekends, not wanting to be too far from their imprints. Quil was fairly settled as well. He was learning to take over his grandfather's shop someday while his imprint Claire was about to start her third year at college.

Even Leah had settled into a relatively peaceful existence, finally getting over her anger issues and now living and working in Portland as a kick-boxing instructor, though she came back to visit from time to time.

It was only Embry who felt adrift, being the only one besides Leah who hadn't imprinted yet. Though she was more at home with this than him, somehow accepting that she might never imprint and being okay with it. Embry had told himself he was, but he knew deep down that he wasn't. And that the others knew whenever they shifted, though thankfully no one brought it up.

But rather than leave and see what was out there, Embry stayed in La Push and took the job at Gramps' shop right after he graduated, hoping he would figure out something to do. However, it felt like time was slipping him by. He knew rationally that 23 was still young, but it was hard to focus on that when everyone around him - older, same age and younger - seemed to be settling down.

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