A Ship Blown from its Mooring

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Embry sighed as he looked down at the beer in his hand and then around at the others scattered around Jared's living room. Even though they were still technically two packs, they had gotten into the habit of all hanging out together whenever they could. Though Embry had to admit he was slightly surprised to see Jacob there that night as he usually spent his off time at the Cullens and it wasn't like this was an official meeting or anything.

Perhaps Edward had kicked him out for not the first time. The vampire had a habit of doing that when he felt Jacob was distracting Nessie from her studies. Or just got annoyed with him.

Regardless, Jacob was here, joking around with Paul almost as though he hadn't wanted to rip his head off nearly every other day for a time six years ago. As soon as Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee, he had almost instantaneously gotten over his aversion to Paul imprinting on his older sister, Rachel. Embry wasn't sure where she was at the moment - usually she and Paul were next to inseparable - but had heard Jared mentioning something about a girls' night when he came in and figured she was out with Kim and some of the other imprintees.

At the thought of the others, Embry's thoughts immediately turned to Freja. Her eyes, the way her fingers flew across the keys, the soft waves in her hair that had fallen out of the bun. How her cheeks colored slightly when she looked at him.

He wondered who taught her to play the piano like that or if it was just something she had been born to do.

"Okay, so what's that goofy grin for?" Seth called out from across the room.

Embry looked over at him, eyes wide as he was forced out of his reverie. He hadn't meant to wander off into a daydream. And he hadn't told the others yet about the imprint. Since none of them had shifted in a while, only Quil was privy to his news, though he had tried to get a hold of Jacob last night and all day to tell him, but the idiot must have let his phone battery die again or had been too busy to answer.

Out of the corner of his eye, Embry could see Quil starting to grin. Sighing, he motioned towards his best friend, knowing it was going to come out sooner or later.

"Guess who imprinted," Quil shouted loudly.

Embry could feel his cheeks heat up as shouts and cheers went up around the room. Save Sam, who only watched him quietly, though he was smiling. And Jacob, who was scowling at him.

"Hold on, why am I just finding out? When did this happen?" Jacob shouted.

"Maybe if you weren't at the Cullens so much, you'd know," Quil shot back with a grin. Jacob's scowl darkened at the comment. "And he did try to call you, but you didn't answer your damn phone."

Jacob's eyes widened slightly as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked down at it in confusion.

"Yesterday," Embry said, getting back on track. "It was... out of nowhere."

"Okay, so who is she and more importantly, when do we get to meet her?" Paul asked, grinning.

"Good question," Embry muttered softly. Quil started laughing from next to him, obviously hearing him.

"Gotta track her down first," he replied brightly.

"Why does it sound wrong when you say it like that?" Embry asked, shooting him a look. "I'm not a stalker."

"Yea, well, you're also the idiot who only got a name," Quil retorted.

"Wait, she's not from around here?" Jared asked, sitting up. Embry shook his head.

"She was at the school yesterday - tuning the piano. Ran out of there before I could get anything but her name," Embry said. "I've never seen her before, so not sure if she's from the area."

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