"Like I said, anything for you."

Embry shot Quil another dubious look as Sven happily exclaimed over yet another thing in the shop

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Embry shot Quil another dubious look as Sven happily exclaimed over yet another thing in the shop. While he understood the Havsfru getting excited about French fries, he honestly didn't think wood carvings were that spectacular. But he wasn't about to say anything and ruin the mood. He could tell that Freja found it endearing.

Sven wandered off to another corner of the store while Freja ducked off to use the bathroom before they moved on to lunch at Emily and Sam's house. Embry leaned against the counter and looked over at Sven as he studied the various pieces on display.

"Okay, now I get it," Quil said softly. Embry looked over at him. "Sheesh."

Embry just shrugged, as he pulled his phone out and sent a message to Sam to check on things on their end. Seth, Brady and Colin were in town for the weekend so planned to be there, along with Jacob and Jared. Paul had wanted to drive up from Seattle just to meet the other Havsfru, but Rachel had nixed that by reminding him they had plans.

"So Flicka really finds this all quaint?"

Both Quil and Embry looked over, finding Sven now standing near the counter, looking at a table of small knick-knacks. Embry glanced at Quil who mouthed "Flicka?" with a confused look. Embry just shrugged before turning to walk over to him.

"Some of it, yea," he replied. "At least the things I make."

Sven looked over at him, his eyebrows raised before he straightened up. Though Embry was still a bit taller, he had the feeling that Sven was looking down his nose at him, his back ramrod straight. The wonder was gone from his expression and an almost smug smile appeared.

It was a near complete change, which Embry thought was pretty ballsy considering Freja could walk back in at any minute. Or that Embry could tell her, though he figured Sven was arrogant enough to think that Freja wouldn't believe him.

"Charming," he said boredly before walking over to look at a bench that Embry had carved.

Embry looked back at Quil, jerking his thumb towards Sven as if to signal that this was what he was talking about. But before anything more could happen, Freja reappeared, a smile on her face.

"Ready?" she asked. Embry looked back at Sven, finding the bright, innocent smile had now returned.

"Of course, I'm eager to see more," he exclaimed happily. Freja nodded and turned to Quil.

"Catch you later at Sam's?" she asked.

"Yea... I'll be there when I get off in a couple hours," Quil said, still a bit perplexed as he watched Sven.

"See you then!" Freja said as she led Sven out of the shop with Embry just behind them.

"Your car or mine?" Embry asked.

"Yours," Freja said, already walking to the truck.

The drive to Sam and Emily's was short, but not quiet, with Sven domineering Freja's complete attention by asking tons of questions about everything. Embry found himself paying closer attention, noticing that Sven asked a few questions that he swore Freja had already asked a few times before, though he wasn't completely sure. After seeing how easily Sven had dropped the act at the shop, he now knew more than anything that something was up.

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