"Something bothering you, son?" Gramps asked as he placed a hand on Embry's shoulder and squeezed. The old man always seemed to know when Embry was upset, though he still struggled with opening up to him.

He had only found out that he was his grandfather six years ago. Before that, he had a good 17 years thinking Gramps was just his best friend's grandfather. That it was just him and his mother. Now he had a half-brother and grandfather and even after all this time, he was still trying to wrap his head around it.

"You seem a bit more on edge lately. Is it something with work?" Gramps continued, urging Embry to open up.

"No, it's not... Don't get me wrong, I like working here. I just... something feels... I don't know... off... missing," Embry said, frowning a bit more as he struggled to articulate just what he was feeling.

That everyone was moving on with their lives and he was just... stuck. Getting left behind. Outside of everyone imprinting, they all seemed to have found their way in the world while Embry felt unsettled and anxious. Perhaps he should have taken up Leah's suggestion to move to Portland or just... get out of La Push in general. He would be on his own, but at least he wouldn't be constantly surrounded by happily imprinted couples.

"You feel restless," Gramps said, dropping his hand. "I suppose it's only natural."

"Because I'm the only one besides Leah who hasn't imprinted," Embry stated. Gramps chuckled.

"No, because you're young and all young people are restless at some point. Even Quil and the others," Gramps said sagely.

"Could have fooled me," Embry muttered, causing Gramps to laugh loudly.

"I'm serious. Why do you think he's so keen to move off with Claire? We all feel it at some point. It just means that you are open and ready for the next stage of your life, whatever that ends up being," Gramps said. "Doesn't have to do anything with imprinting... You're only 23. There's more than enough time to figure things out and decide what you want. In the meantime, like I said, you'll always have a place here."

Embry turned to the old man and nodded.

"Thanks... I appreciate it," he said.

And he did. If Gramps hadn't offered him the job right after he graduated, Embry wasn't sure what he would have done.

Well, that's not true. He might have gone to university, though truthfully, he wasn't as keen on that idea - high school had been difficult enough and he wanted to stay close to his mother and the reservation should any other supernatural occurrence happen. And while he supposed Sam could have given him a job at the garage, Embry felt much happier at the woodshop, surrounded by the smell of pine and lacquer rather than grease and car parts.

"Now get home. Your mother is probably worried about you," Gramps ordered. "Besides you've put in enough hours today. Beginning to think you're trying to move into the shop."

Embry nodded again, offering Gramps a smile before he left the workshop and made his way through the front of the shop and out the door. He stopped for a moment and looked around at the twilight, taking a deep breath and reveling in the smell of nature around him. Most days he drove to work, but the weather had been nice that day, so he had walked it. It wasn't that far and he could always cut it down by running.

Starting towards home, Embry made his way towards the house where he still lived with his mother on the edge of the main town. He and Quil had been talking about getting their own place a few months ago, but seemed that idea was out the window with his best friend now planning to leave with Claire - even though he wasn't planning to join her until the second semester. Maybe he could convince Jacob to get a place with him, but he seemed perfectly happy staying at his dad's place until the Cullens moved.

Siren's Callजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें